Day 12 - The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain.

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  • Dedicated to to those three years...

I forgot day 12 by accident so here's to fill that spot up (;


Day 12 – The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain. 

Dear an old best friend,

The topic of this letter is the person you hate most or who caused you a lot of pain. As much as you betrayed me I know I couldn’t come to hate you.

You were my best friend for three years in primary school, all the way to the end of year six. I could always trust you and you we were really similar, stuck together like superglue.

Though when we went to High School you…well you changed.

You changed from the person I became best friends with, and it wasn’t in a positive way. You pushed all of your old friends away, got new ones and you left us there, ditched us.

It hurt; I had plenty of other good friends though when you lose your best friend it hurts the most. You’ve done everything with them and then their gone.

I was angry at you for a few weeks, hating your very being though I then noticed; I was wasting my time being upset over something that couldn’t be changed. Not because I couldn’t do anything but because I didn’t want to be her best friend again. She will always be like that, habits don’t just die, they’re stuck there.

But do you know what hurt the most? What caused the most pain? Was that you didn’t even look back. You didn’t even come up to me and tell me like a man that you didn’t want to be friends with not only me but with the rest of us. You thought we weren’t good enough and that is where I was most disappointed with you.

It’s like you threw out our three years of friendship in the trash, burned them to ashes and flushed them down the drain.

It’s sad to say that you caused me the most pain.

I’m disappointed in you, Lylie…


Mary. K (: x

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