Day 3 - Your Parents

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  • Dedicated to My Parents

Day 3 – Your Parents

Dear Mum & Dad,

I honestly have no idea where to begin. There’s a whole fourteen years that I could talk about.

You’ve given me SO much that I don’t know what to give you in return. You both always said that all they wanted was for me to do well in school, try my hardest in everything I did so they could be proud. Proud of their daughter doing well in life though most importantly they wanted me to be happy.

They went out of their way to give me anything I needed, anything that I wanted to do.

When I was small I could always remember waking up in the middle of the night, a nightmare flashing through my mind, and my parents would always let me sleep in their bed.

When I was sad and in tears my mum would always be there to comfort me and in year three my dad spent hours with me, trying to teach me how to use Microsoft word.

My parents weren’t rich, they didn’t have the chance to finish their education due to the war and such though they worked hard, pushing themselves to provide for me and my two older brothers.

I would be forever in debt; they deserve the award for the best parents in the world though everyone would say that about their parents.

They are my inspiration, my heroes, my everything. Most importantly, they’re my parents, and will only ever be my parents.

Thankyou for giving me all the possible opportunities that you could have provided, and I promise that I’ll always do everything in my power to make you both proud.


Mary. K (: x

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