Day 6 - A Stranger

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  • Dedicated to to whom i do not know,

Day 6 – A Stranger

Dear Mr Stranger,

When I was little, I knew you as the person that my parents always told me to not to talk to. In my mind you were supposed to be this big ugly monster that would gobble me up in a second.

Though looking back now, I don’t think that was really fair of me. A stranger is simply someone you don’t know and someone that you can get to know.

Isn’t everyone at a certain time a stranger to me? At some point a person that is now close to me was someone I thought was a stranger.

My very own parents were strangers, my friends, my teachers. Everyone. Everyone is a stranger to everyone, though its how your friendship changes with them takes that title away.

True there are those bad, creepy people out there, and I should really look out for them though when it’s someone that someone I know introduces, I should say hello. Try and get to know them, because you never know, we could be best friends in a year.

And why is the word ‘Strange’ used in the word stranger. Why is someone strange if you don’t know them? Isn’t that a little bit weird? Just because you have never met every person in the world that the person is automatically strange.

What I’m trying to say is that someone that would have been just another person could very well be my new best friend… not that I would want to replace Catherine. I don’t think someone can compete with her haha.

Thanks for giving me the chance to meet someone knew,


Mary. K (: x

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