Day 1 - Your Best Friend

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Day 1 – Your Best Friend.

Dear Catherine/Cow >:) ,

We’ve known each other for two years now; I’m not really sure how we met. Goes to show what great memory I have.

I remember the first time I saw you I thought you were just some other girl that I didn’t know and if someone said I would be your best friend two years ago then I would have laughed in their face.

Its really weird actually, we have so much in common that I sometimes think that we’re sisters. And also the fact that our mums have the same job career is just plain crazy.

As much as we tease and throw insults at each other I know that if the time for seriousness came, you would be there for me. That sounds super sappy but you would. I know you would be there when I needed you and I would do the same for you.

You’re funny, nice and for some reason always on PMS mode. Haha, jokes :).

I’m glad I met you, out of all my friends I feel like I can trust you the most, I could tell you anything.

I hope we stay this close even after we finish Highschool.

And if you were thinking this, yes I would cry at your funeral haha!

I can always rely on you for help or just to be there and that’s all I can ask for from a best friend. You make life better and fill it with more smiles and good memories :) .

Thanks for being my best friend,


Mary. K (: x

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