Day 7 - Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush.

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  • Dedicated to to whom I would give anything for... x

Day 7 – Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush.

Dear Crush,

I’ve already written a letter to you, and there is so much that I could write to you that even a hundred letters wouldn’t.

So continuing the letter.

I remember in year three, it was my first year in this school and I sat at the back of the class, you in the middle row. You would always turn around every now and then to smile at me and the first time you did I looked behind me, making sure you were actually smiling at me. That was really embarrassing that day. I would always smile back. I thought you had the most beautiful smile in the world and I guess that’s one of the biggest reasons that I liked you in the first place.

I am quite a happy, cheery person. I hate arguing, sadness. And you were always happy, always in a good mood. It made me enjoy going to school.

You would tease me on days, though not the type of teasing that would leave me in tears. It was a playful teasing and I always thought it was quite fun. I would always tease you back.

I still like you. After seven years I still like you as much as I did when I first saw you. Is that creepy? If it is then…well I guess I’m creepy.

I know you never felt the same, actually I don’t know if you did or didn’t have feelings for me.

What would I give to go back to primary school to see you, just for a day I would give up my internet for a month and that’s saying something.

What would I give just to see your face just for a minute?

What would I give to just see that smile one last time?

What would I give for you, my crush…


Mary. K (: x

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