Day 23 - The last person you kissed.

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  • Dedicated to to whom I thank with a kiss... x

YAY! I caught up! This is todays letter (: 


Day 23 – The last person you kissed.

Dear Mum,

I’m fourteen, I’ve never kissed a boy before and I’m proud of it. I’m a huge romantic and I believe in true love.

It’s pretty hard to kiss someone if you don’t have a boyfriend.

So changing there topic a bit, ‘The last person you kissed on the cheek’.

My mum and I are close and it’s really nice to know she loves me. When I kiss my mum on the cheek it is one of love, silently thanking her for providing for me.

I hope to keep doing it for a long time. Some people might be embarrassed by kissing their parents goodbye though I’m not ashamed, it’s more like an honour.

So thanks mum for loving me as your only daughter,


Mary. K (: x

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