Day 13 - Someone you wish could forgive you

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  • Dedicated to to those I've hurt... x

Day 11 – Someone you wish could forgive you

Dear anyone,

This is definitely the hardest letter so far because I can’t think of anyone that I wish would forgive me that we haven’t already yet made up.

So until I do realise who, I’m going to write it to anyone that I have done any wrong to.

To anyone that I have ever hurt. To anyone that feels hate to me. To anyone that even feels annoyed by my existence.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry for taking it to such an extent that you didn’t want to forgive me for my actions.  I apologize for doing whatever I did that was wrong and I hope that in some time you would be able to see past it and forgive me.

Forgive me for the hurt and betrayal I caused you.

So in advance, thank you for forgiving me. If not, thankyou for taking the time to read this,


Mary. K (: x

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