I don't understand

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A/N: LMAO I WAS rereading and the first 2 chapters are ass in terms of paragraphing and dialogue and just everything so here's me telling u to bare with it cuz the chapters after it are all proper trust me.


One week into school and im already sick of it.
"Shut Up bro damnn" jeongyeon whispered as our chemistry teacher kept going on and on about some stupid test we're gonna have.
"Wanna ditch?" I mumbled to which her eyes lit up and she aggressively started nodding her head.
"Is there something you'd like to share with us jeongyeon? Y/n?"
"Uh y/n's menstruating and needs me to assist her because shes getting really bad cramps. May we be excused to go to the nurse?" my eyes went wide as I started hearing whispers from around me.
"What the hell?!" I smacked her knee under the table as my face went red with embarrassment and jeongyeon only innocently stared at the teacher.
"Uh, yes you're excused"
"Thank you so much. Y/n really appreciates this"
"What the hell were you thinking" I punched jeongyeon as she continued laughing her head off behind the school.
"You shouldve seen your face! It was GOLD!! Oh man I cant wait to tell nayeon about this"
"Ok ok" she started catching her breath "where do you wanna go? My treat"
"It better be. Asshole"
"Going to tell nayeon AND Momo"
After having a meal at ihop, jeongyeon and I were sitting in her lounge watching tv. School ended 30 minutes ago so it shouldn't be long till the girls start texting us about where we disappeared off to.
"so what's new with you these days. I feel like we barely hang out" I spoke to jeong
"we literally just ditched school and I bought you a lot of food"
"you know what I mean asshat" I playfully kicked her side.
"Same old same old. Nothing really. Really yeah nothing new at all"
I eyed her suspiciously cause what sane person repeats the same thing four times.
"Cut the crap, spill the tea"
"Huh? I just told you there's nothi-"
"Hey babyy I missed yo-"
My jaw fell to the ground. "No frickin way" I muttered.
"Uh-" "Oh-"
I looked back and forth between my two friends, eyes wide open (😏). They were always a little closer than the others, kinda like Momo and I, and I had a feeling sooner or later one of them might catch feelings but THIS soon?
"No way"
"Please please dont tell anyone" jeongyeon started begging me as nayeon shut the door and walked towards us.
"I mean sure I- bu- wait what?!"
Nayeon rolled her eyes as she plopped herself almost entirely on jeongyeon "we're together. Have been for a few months now. Thank you for your blessings" she said and then turned to face jeongyeon.
"I- wh- I-" this wasn't something unexpected, but boy was i not expecting this.
"Yeah, I've liked nayeon for a while now. Turns out she liked me back and one thing lead to another. Now we're here"
"Are you blushing"
"What!? No. No are you blind" jeongyeon rushed out as nayeon smirked and let out a chuckle.
"She likes to act tough. Its okay though I know just how to soften her" her voice suddenly dropped a few octaves.
"And that is my cue to leave"
I got up to leave but not before turning to my friends
"On a realer note, im so happy for you guys. Also just an fyi, we all kinda placed a few bets on how long it would take for you guys to get together and I just lost, so thanks alot for that. See ya" I hugged them awkwardly since they were sitting on top of each other and walked out the door, closing it behind me but not before hearing nayeon yell out a 'wait a minute-'
Quietly laughing to myself, I started walking towards my house.
After getting refreshed and changing I got into bed to ask for today's missed work only to realise my phones been dead for a while. I dont think I really used it all that much while at jeongyeon's. Putting it on charge I started scrolling through tv, trying to stay awake cause for some reason the warm shower I had taken left me feeling drowsy. Eventually I couldn't fight it anymore and ended up sleeping.
"Y/n? Hey, y/n?" A hand on my arm woke me up. I shrieked as I quickly moved to the other side of the bed. It had gotten darker in my room cause I fell asleep in the afternoon but now it was probably almost night judging by the darkness outside my window.
"Its me Momo" I heard right as I was about to yell out to my parents to come save their daughter. Momo. Shit. I barely talked to her all day today. And now shes in my room. Aw man, that doesn't make me feel too nice.
I let out a breath I was holding "oh, Momo. Hi" I shyly smiled at her.
"What the hell y/n?? You disappear from school, then don't answer your phone either? What was gonna stop me from thinking you got kidnapped or something? I was worried sick and I come to your house to find you sleeping??"
"Uh I forgot to tell you. Im sorry" i said, genuinely feeling terrible especially after seeing the worry behind her otherwise angry eyes. "Jeongyeon and I skipped after 2nd period and then I went to her house with her after having lunch and somewhere along all that my phone died but when I placed it on charge after coming home I ended up dozing off" I rushed out, quickly wanting her to stop worrying.
"You ditched school and hung out with jeongyeon?"
"Huh y-yeah" I stuttered over my words. Her tone was different this time. It sounded, hurt? Sad? I don't like this one bit. Having the most important person in my life be sad is bad but being the cause for it? Thats worse. "We didnt have too much fun or anything. Just lunch and then watched tv"
"Hm" Momo replied. She was suddenly interested in my room a lot more than me.
"Momoring, is everything okay? Im so sorry i worried you I promise next time you will be the first one to know whenever I decide to ditch school with someone"  I tried uplifting the mood, and failed miserably because all I was met with was silence. Why is this not-that-serious situation so....serious now?
I pat the space next to me, suddenly feeling my heart beat speeding up as Momo sat down.
"Ignore my calls again and I will have my dogs eat you. Im so goddamn serious y/n you have no idea" she finally replied.
"Okay!" I smiled back as I pulled her in for a bone crushing hug she half heartedly returned. Pulling away I smiled at her and kissed her cheek as I turned to unplug my phone.
"Jikai wa watashitoisshoni gakkō o sukippu shimasu" she said.
"jika what what?" I dumbly stared at her as she looked at me.
"Watashitoisshoni sugosu dake" she replied
"Momooo" I whined "you know I dont understand Japanese, especially when you say it that fast. What dake?"
She gave me a lazy smile and said "nothing you need to worry about", before grabbing the remote and flipping through shows.
"I heard you you know" I grumbled and proceeded to repeat what I think she said to me, only earning chuckles from her. "Watashi shoni sugo dake? No watashiwa? No shi no no- ughhhh"
"Give it up princess" I didnt even need to look at her to know she was smirking. Tch.
"Man screw this I really need to start doing my Duolingo lessons"
Momo snorted before announcing she was hungry and that she was going to raid my fridge.
I think its not too late to join the after school Japanese course my school is offering. I bet me knowing her native language would make her happy too. Yeah, that sounds nice. I'll apply for the classes first thing tomorrow.
"You got lucky kiddo. We only had one spot left" my now Japanese teacher told me as he put my name in his list.
"Yea thank god. So four days every week after school in the library?"
"That would be correct."
"Right, thank you so much have a nice day. Sayonara"
He chuckled "sayonara"
I've been with Momo long enough to know basic words like hello and bye. Only hello and bye though.
Im gonna keep me joining the course a secret till Momo tries acting smart with me by saying something in Japanese and then I can hopefully understand and blow her mind. Perfect.
Walking towards the outside, I caught sight of Momo and the girls. I still felt awful for yesterday so im gonna invite Momo to hangout with me all day today. We dont really need to say it out loud before spending the day together but i will this time, just to sortve show her that I actually want to be with her.
"Where were you" chae asked as I joined the group.
"Math teacher held me back. I had a test I missed so he was telling me about it"
"Lame" she replied and turned to mina who seemed extra tired of jeongyeon and chae's constant bickering.
"Hey Momo"
Wow. Shes really pretty. I suddenly froze as I looked into her eyes, I mean, shes looking extra good today. "Did you do something different today?"
"What do you mean"
"You look so pretty. I mean you always are but today....damn"
"Oh uh thanks and uh no I didnt change anything" a pink tint came over her face. Cute.
"Huh. Could've fooled me. Anyways lets hangout together. All day, just us. No ifs and buts."
She gave a soft smile and said "sure thing"

A/n : writing this at 5:30 am💅  the Japanese I got off google translate so if ur fluent in Japanese and thats wrong I commented what I acc meant. Also how do I separate comments like I viewed this as a reader and the entire chapter had only one comment section how do I separate?

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