After (the) party

340 13 4

A/N: blackpink comeback?!?!?!!!!!

I groaned as I turned over and ended up colliding with someone. Who the hell is this?

My head was throbbing and I got a grunt and yawn in response to my "who are you"

It was really cloudy outside thank god so there wasn't any sunlight burning a hole through my eyes. I moved my hand around, eyes still closed, till I ended up touching something soft and warm. I aimlessly started patting it, my pats getting stronger until there was a yelp. I think I slapped the poor soul. Oops

"Dude...did you just slap me?"  the girl moved onto her arms as she looked down at me, eyes squinting.

I squinted my own eyes to see the very familiar skunk hair and my heart beat picked up. What is ryujin doing in my bed.

Ever so discreetly I looked down at myself and then her to see both of us still fully clothed. Thank goodness but also aw :(

"Where am I?" Ryujin mumbled as she fell back down on the pillow

"Mi casa" I replied

"Woah for real? You already took me to your house?" I could practically hear the smirk in her voice.

"Yes. Yes I did. Okay now shut up my head hurts"

"You got pills?"

"I don't do drugs"

"for the headache."



"Okay where?" Ryujin asked

"They should be on my dressing table"

"That's so far away. I would've gotten them but I don't know you enough to get up"

"Am I hot enough for you to get up?"

"yes actually."

With that she dragged herself out of bed and ever so clumsily grabbed the bottle of pills and came back. I always have a water bottle on my side table so that's good.

"Is your head hurting too?" I asked her as I moved to sit up

"Nah. I don't usually get hungover so my headaches are weak"

"Aren't you cool" I downed two pills as I took a deep sigh and kept sitting up but with my eyes closed.

"Why am I at your house again?" Ryujin asked, shadowing my actions so now we were both side by side, our shoulders touching. ehe

"I don't know uh but I'm assuming it has something to do with us being drunk obviously"

"right right. "

"What's the time?" I asked

"Uhh" Ryujin unzipped a pocket in her pants and took her phone out "oh. It's dead. You gotta charger?"



"Side table" I pointed at the table on her side. She muttered a quick 'thanks' and bent over to plug her phone in.

Where's my phone I wonder.

I turned to my own side table and saw it there.

"It's 11"


My headache had slightly subsided so I took my phone in my hands after rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes.

Why do I have so many missed calls and messages. Ugh I don't have the energy to go through them right now. I need food.

"You hungry?"

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