my bad

335 14 3

At the store, I had purchased a lot of items. Because I didn't really have time to go home and assemble it, I did it in the store. It wasn't crowded at all so at the check out there was an empty table with chairs where I sat and made this.

(Just imagine an actual basket^)

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(Just imagine an actual basket^)

It had all of momo's favorite snacks and cute little gifts I found like keychains and bracelets.

I carefully picked it up and went back out to my car. Normally I'd have walked but because I'm racing against time here and I don't wanna ruin the gift I went in my car.

I drove to her house and parked outside. Then, picking up the basket I walked up to the front door and rung the bell.

After waiting a while, I rung it again. And again. And again. I eventually knocked too.

That's weird. She should've been home a while ago. Both her parents work and her older sister...errr i don't know what she does.

I went back to my car. Taking out my phone I called Mina. Maybe they all decided to hangout.

When Mina didn't answer I called jeongyeon.

"You have the worst timing" she groaned

"What why?"

"I'm at nayeon's y/n. Take a wild guess"


Well I guess they aren't hanging out.

Just to be sure, I called chaeyoung too.

"Hey y/n Whatsup"

"Hey, are you all like hanging out or something?"

"What? No. I walked mina to her house and now I'm at my own. Jeongyeon nayeon went home too why?"

"And momo?"

"Oh she left with sana"

"Left what? school?"


"So she didn't walk with you guys?"

"Only for a bit till they changed directions"

"Ohhh okay thanks!"

"You didn't know?"

"Know what?"

"That sana asked her out"




"How do you know?"

"Because.... Momo told us?"

She told them but, not me?

"Oh right no no I knew it just...slipped my mind. Anyways I gotta go chae bye"

"See ya"

Well. That's certainly new.

Could she be at sana's? What would they be doing? Why would Momo say yes to a date with sana though she clearly told me she didn't like her. What time will she come back?

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