preparing for the dance

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I dusted my hands after finishing my chips and picked up my phone again. It's Sunday morning right now as I'm lying down on the couch texting the group chat. The dance is tomorrow and we're all planning on travel arrangements.

Jeongie: no no I'm taking nayeon cuz like she's my date

Nayeon: and gf???

Jeongie: that too baby

Chae: so do I take mina?

Minari: no?

Y/n: she's ur date bro ofc she's gonna take u

Minari: Fine

Chae: I promise to be on time bae

Minari: mhm

Momoring❤️: how could u mina???

Jeongie: how could she what?

Momoring❤️: she said she'd pick me up?!

Mina: oh my bad

Chae: Momo won't ur date pick u up?

Momoring❤️: idk??

Nayeon: ask her then dumbass

Momoring❤️: no

Y/n: I could pick u if u want

Chae: bruh ain't u got a date too?🤨

Y/n: yeah but she didn't say anything abt us going together

Jeongie: she's probably abt too

*ding* I looked at the notification that popped up and coincidentally, it was ryujin. Switching chats I replied to her.

Ryu: Heyyyyy

Y/n: hiiii

Ryu: the dance is tomoro night

Y/n: yes I'm aware

Ryu: sorry I'm just rlly excited. Is that weird?

I couldn't help but smile slightly.

Y/n: ur so cute

Ryu: ur cuter. Anywayss I was gonna ask u if u, well if u wanted to ride w me?

Y/n: to the dance?

Ryu: well obviously. Acc wait, lemme rephrase, I'm taking u to the dance :)

Y/n: awh thank you

Ryu: just lmk what time I should pick u up and I'll be there

Y/n: sure thing :))

I switched back to the group chat

Chae: bae just text her mentioning the dance

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