Movie night

451 20 15

"Y/n, hey. Wake up, come on" momo softly spoke as she rubbed my head, waking me up.
I yawned as I stretched and ended up turning towards her stomach and wrapping my arms around her tightly, not wanting to get up.
"come oon, everyone's gonna be here soon"
"What's the time?" I sleepily mumbled.
"It's almost 7. Mina just called and said they're on their way"
"Ughhh can we cancel the plan?" I whined, still holding tightly onto momo.
"No we cannot now get uuuup" she ruffled my hair
"I'm gonna tickle you" she warned.
"No" I spoke into her stomach. Obviously that wasn't gonna stop her and she attacked my side.
"MOMO STOOOP" I laughed as she kept tickling me.
"GET UUPP" momo said in between laughing.
"IM UP IM UP" I squirmed, as she slowly stopped.
"Good girl" momo leaned back on the couch as I caught my breath from laughing. God.

I was still lying on her legs, neither one us wanting to move, atleast I didn't.

I brought my hand up to squish her cheeks, "you" squish "are" squish "so" squish "cute" squish.

She shyly looked elsewhere as a cute smile came across her face and a light pink tint covered her cheeks.

"So ar-"

The bell rung, interrupting her, as I groaned and reluctantly got up. I booped her nose before walking to the door.

"Heyy" "hi" "Whatsup" "why do you look like that?"

"Hello to you too nayeon. Come on in."

They all entered as I closed the door behind me. I followed the rest into the lounge, noticing jeongyeon's hand around nayeon's waist. Ugh they're so cute.

"Oh hey" "Hi", Chae greeted momo.

"When'd you get here?" Nayeon asked

"A while ago" momo answered as she got up to hug everyone.

"Wait don't tell me momo, are you and y/n also gonna pull a jeongyeon and nayeon on us??" Mina eyed her suspiciously.

"What?" "Eh?" I looked at momo as we both stared at each other before she looked away.

"N-no. It's not like that" she waved her hand around as she went to the kitchen. "Anyone want water?"

"Me" "me too"



"Get me a glass of water"

"Ugh", chaeyoung rolled her eyes as she went to the kitchen to get Mina water. Guess she really was serious about the whole servant thing.

The sofa in my lounge was big enough for 6 people, and there were single chairs at the sides too.

Momo and chae came back with water as we all sat down on the couch.

"Okay so 2 things. 1. What do you guys wanna eat? And 2. What do we watch?"

"Chinese" "I just want chicken" "ooo sushi" "literally anything"

"......okay" I looked at everyone, "I guess we should decide on a movie first"

"Horror" "nothing scary" "romance" "murder related" "man I don't know"

"well" I spoke "uhhhh, let's do Rock Paper Scissors and whoever wins gets to choose a movie, and then we can all vote on whether we want to watch that or not okay?"

Everyone agreed. There were 6 of us (Mina, chae, momo, me, nayeon, jeongyeon). We divided into 2 groups of three, me, momo and chae, and both the yeons with Mina.

I won in my group and nayeon in hers.

"Hello my old enemy" nayeon squinted her eyes at me.

"May the best woman win" I replied

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