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"What's wrong?" Momo's voice snapped me out my thoughts.

"Hm? No nothing don't worry about it. How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Same old. Where'd you go?"

"Oh, I went to eat a little something"

"I was hoping you'd had stayed while I slept a bit" she cutely mumbled.

I couldn't help but smile, "I wanted to but your mom practically kicked me out".

"Pfft" she huffed.

"So......." I dragged on as I became a little nervous. I want to ask her about Sana. "So......" Momo mimicked me.

"Why'd you want to see Sana first?" Almost instantly Momo's eyes dropped and the smile on her face faltered a little. I gulped, feeling a little anxious for her answer.

"I just wanted to see if she was okay, and to thank her for being there with me at," right, I wasn't exactly the 'ideal' best friend that night.

"Do you like her?" I asked right after she finished talking. There was an aching urgency brewing inside me. I've asked her this before but I need to ask her again.

"What if I say yes?" She countered.

My mind completely strayed off topic and without thinking, another question slipped out. "Have you ever been in love Momo?"

She was taken aback as was i by the sudden change. "Yes"

Does she mean me?

"With who?" She moved her eyes elsewhere and began playing with her fingers, "cant say" she muttered.

"Was it a girl?" "Yeah"

"How did you know?" She looked at me, a little confused.

"Know what?" "That you were in love with her?"

"more like am.." Momo whispered under her breath but I couldn't hear her clearly, "Hm?" "No nothing"

"So...howd you know?"

"Um well, I kinda just, knew. I'd start feeling so nervous around her and, my heart beat would pick up. It really hit me when she started hanging out with other people. And, she's always been pretty but I started finding her so much more beautiful than usual- hmmm" she sighed deeply as she came to a stop.

"Does this girl know you li-love her?" I asked again.

"No" "why not?" ""

"What if she likes you too?" "Trust me she doesn't. She already has someone."


I wasn't sure what to say anymore. I was feeling a little congested, my thoughts all spread out. I need to recollect them, by myself.

"Can you give me a minute?" I apologized as I stood up to leave.

"Where, are you going?" Momo asked.

"I need to pee" I lied and left the room.

I decided to go out in the parking lot and just walk for a bit or something while I thought about, everything. I exited the building and headed towards the cars. It was night time, the streets were dimly lit with the street lights. You'd think a hospital would be better lit but I guess not. It was almost like a ghost town outside.

I began walking between the rows of cars slowly as I thought back to, well everything. Ryujin coming in my life, momo's little mood changes, Mina's subtle 'hints' or whatever, sana. Do I, could it be that I best friend?

you're my best friend (Hirai Momo)Where stories live. Discover now