Dance pt.2

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The after party

"Chug! CHUG! Chug! Chug! Chug!" People chanted as Ryujin and some random guy competed to finish two big jugs full of beer.

One too many shots, some dirty dancing and a few provocative dares later, I'm now here.

"Yeah!!" I jumped on top of Ryujin who slammed her empty jug down a minute before the guy. "That's my girl!" I drunkenly kissed her cheek as she beamed, "told ya I was good at everything" she smirked before she loudly cheered as people around us hyped her up for her success.

"Y/n! Hurry up! Beer pong's starting" I felt a hand wrap around my arm, dragging me away from a very happy drunk Ryujin, through a crowd of bodies, towards a table. This table, just like the chugging game, was surrounded by people all holding red plastic cups in their hands.

There were even more red cups set on the table on both ends. One end had the host of the party, Jay along with some girl. The other end had me and my buddy chae. Not to toot my own horn but I'm kind of a pro at this game.

"We're here we're here!!" Chae announced. She was slurring her words so I'm sure she was drunk too.

"Alright Shuh shh! The game's about to start. On one end we have yours truly, Jay Park!" The people around us cheered and clapped as the announcer guy continued to introduce the chick besides him too. Honestly I was too drunk to remember what he said.

"-we have Chae and Y/n! Give it up for my ladies!" Again, there was a brief uproar before it died down. "Alright the rules are simple; each side has ten cups with straight vodka, nothing else. Bet on a cup and make the shot. If you make it, the other teams gotta drink. If you miss it, you miss it. Clear enough?"

We all collectively nodded our heads and the game started.

"Ladies first" I looked up and saw Jay smirk as he gave us the go sign. "She's gonna rock your shit!" I turned towards the crowd where a very drunk nayeon bragged about my skills. Right next to her was a ...sober looking Jeongyeon trying her level best to keep her girlfriend from jumping onto someone. Cute.

"That one" I pointed at the outer most cup on the right and took the shot. "Hell yea!!" Chae held onto my shoulders and jumped up and down. "That's my girl!!" Ryujin suddenly appeared on the sidelines and began cheering loudly.

Jay picked up the cup I made the shot in and downed it before tossing it aside. "Alright. That one" he aimed at the center most cup and...made the shot. "Let's go!!!!" He smacked his chest hard as people clapped. I picked up the cup and practically inhaled the drink, trying to one up him.

"You got this chae!" I yelled into chae's ear who fist pumped me hard before picking up the ball. "The front one!" She shouted and tossed the ball, landing it perfectly. "Yeah!!!" We both turned to our right and saw a drunk mina loudly cheering.

"Yeah!!" Chae beamed as she turned back and saw the random girl besides Jay pick up the cup with an irritated look on her face.

"Ayo hurry up bruh!" Someone yelled from the crowd when the girl was taking too long to select a cup. She tossed it rather, unskillfully and missed. What a surprise.

"Pffft! Hahahah loser!" Ryujin clapped loudly as she wheezed. If the girl wasn't previously annoyed, she definitely was now.

"You got this!" Chae shook me violently as I picked up the ping pong ball. "Left one in the second row" I wagered and threw the ball, once again, making it in.

"Baby you're too good!" Ryujin yelled and when I turned to face her, she sent me a wink and a flying kiss. Jay had tossed the cup aside after drinking it all.

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