Bad timing

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"Are you sure this is a dinner? and not a competition to see who can sit still the longest?" Ryujin inquired from her place across from me.

After the Boba shop incident, Momo decided to just go home. She didn't even let me drop her off. I went home too, ready to cancel the fancy dinner reservation I got with Nayeon's help.

Turns out there's some stupid rule if you don't cancel atleast a day before, you can't cancel at all and they'll charge you if you don't show up??? Who made this stupid rule?

Nayeon was really bummed about what happened and that Momo wasn't coming. She told me to go to Momo's house and ask her to this dinner but I decided against it, telling myself and nayeon that she probably needs to cool off on her own. I also asked her to come with me instead but she said she has a date planned with Jeongyeon.

After talking to nayeon, I called every.single.friend of mine to go with me to this dinner since I couldn't cancel. But ofcourse, everyone, even my own mother, was too busy with something or the other. When I got to yeji's number, she told me she has dance class and that Ryujin was free.


I didn't think too much about it and invited ryujin instead. Besides it's been a while since we talked and our last conversation wasn't exactly a happy one. I figured this could maybe kinda cool things between us. 

Ryujin seemed a little hesitant over text but eventually agreed to come. I didn't mention the situation to her though because it would be hurtful for her to know she was sort of the last resort here. I don't mean that in a rude way because I do like Ryujin, as a friend.

I did tell her that I had a dinner with my mom planned but she ended up going on a business trip last minute and no other friend of mine was free and the reservation is non cancel-able.

So now here I am, sitting at this fancy restaurant having a fancy dinner, not with the girl I had planned on asking to be my girlfriend, but with the girl who wanted me to be her girlfriend, whom I basically dumped.

What a turn of events!

"sorry I just zoned out a little." I excused myself. Ryujin ofcourse didn't seem convinced.

"you know I can kinda tell when you lie. What's up?" she asked.

"Nothing at all" I flashed a fake smile as I moved the vegetables around.

"..right..." she was still unconvinced and I could just tell she was plotting ways to make me tell her.

"You remember the one time we hung out when I took you to get a sundae, and you ended up walking around with a big tear in your pants that showed the entire world your custom made blackpink underwear?"

"You wouldn't" I squinted my eyes at her.

"I would actually" Ryujin replied while opening her phone and pulling up a picture she took from walking behind me.

"You're a sick woman" I told her.

"Now, I don't mean to give you more evidence to add to that accusation but well let's say, you decide to not to tell me what's bothering you, and I decide to, I don't know, send this to everyone?" she shrugged at me nonchalantly.

"sick." I scoffed.

"you were totally into my sickness" she smirked.

"you're so smug sometimes it makes me want to punch you" I replied.

When her eyes continued to stare at me, I groaned loudly before dropping my hands on the table, "fine!"

"atta girl"

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