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I'm currently omw to the cafe sana and I decided on. It's not too far away.

Let me give you a run down of my outfit.

Let me give you a run down of my outfit

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personally, I think I slayed.


When I entered the cafe I looked around me once. It wasn't crowded at all. Perfect.

At the back I saw a dark brown head of long hair. That must be sana. I went up to her as she turned around and smiled wide.

"Hii!" She shook my hand with a huge smile on her face. Her smiles kinda contagious not gonna lie.

"Hey!!" I returned her energy as I sat infront of her.

"Let's order first okay?" She asked me

"Sure thing."


We already gave our orders and now we're talking. She's really easy to talk to.

"-and so we moved to Korea then. I actually don't miss Japan the way I thought I would. Is that weird?"

"Not at all! I can understand what you mean."

"Like sure I miss my friends but it's really nice here"

"mhm. So have you made any friends at school?" I asked

"Other than a few kids that are only acquaintances, I think I can consider Momo a friend. And now you too", her smile that hadn't left her face only grew wider. Jesus my heart.

"Definitely. I'm really enjoying talking to you. Why didn't I approach you before?" I replied.

"So tell me more about you and momo! When we both became friends she mentioned a y/n as her best friend when I was telling her about my previous best friends."

"Ah yes Momo. We became friends a long time back. Out of all my friends now, momo was the first."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. She's a real angel"

"That she is" sana looked down as she....blushed???

Oh no way.

"Are you..blushing?" I smirked at her. I don't know why I'm smirking but the best way to address the pink shade of her cheeks right now would be by teasing her.

"What? No!" She awkwardly laughed

"you know, if you like momo, I'm probably the best person to tell." I confidently stated as her mouth slightly opened.

"Ah, well there's no point in lying I guess. But in case you start to think I wanted to meet you just for this one reason, let me clarify that that's not the case and that I genuinely wanted to know you more"

I let out a short laugh "it's okay really trust me, I don't mind at all." I really didn't.

"So well, I guess I've liked Momo since the day we first talked. She was just so nice to me and she's so pretty on top of her amazing personality. Honestly you'd be real stupid to not like her" she shrugged, the pink on her face growing darker.

you're my best friend (Hirai Momo)Where stories live. Discover now