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It's been almost a week since Momo was discharged and it's safe to say she's almost back to perfect health. Yesterday all the girls hung out at Nayeon's place for lunch and Momo was there too.

It felt a little weird leaving Sana out of the plan since everyone grew quite accustomed to her presence while in the hospital, and it's no secret how likable she is. I also think at one point during the hangout Momo was texting her.

Not to be jealous or anything but it bothered me a little, even though I certainly have no reason to be.

Momo made sure to stick by my side and it wasn't out of the ordinary for the others because that's how it's always been. What was a little different now was us holding hands under the table, lingering stares, light pink dusting both our cheeks upon making eye contact even during regular conversation.

I think at some point it had become painfully obvious there was something...different between us. And I also think everyone saw that. If they did, they didn't say anything about it, and I'm sure Momo is just as grateful for that as I am.


"I don't know why you won't tell the others-"


Nayeon covered her ears at my screech. She's convincing me to just let the cat out the bag especially since it's no big secret. I just don't want it to get awkward with Momo at hangouts and I know for a fact that is exactly what will happen if everyone knows.

"You do realize the only people that don't know is basically no one because you both are so obvious it's gross. Everyone's just waiting for one of you to say it yourselves" she rolled her eyes at me as i nibbled on my hoodie's string.

"I don't know I think about you all knowing and then with that thought comes a series of occasions where either chae or jeongyeon make the worst most awkward jokes making everyone uncomfortable" I countered.

"Well that is inevitable, besides, they make jokes even now you're just too busy staring into momo's eyes to notice" Nayeon scoffed as she changed positions from leaning on my bed frame to sitting up straight.

"why are you lecturing me that is not why i called you over" I grumbled.

She sighed over dramatically before asking me why I called her over.

"I kinda wanna take Momo on a date" I nervously spoke out.

Had I not looked up at her I would've missed the smile that flashed her face for a second or two. Ofcourse, she would never let me see it.

"okay then what's the issue just take her?" she shrugged.

"i- well- No!" I made a confused face, "No no I need it to be super duper romantic like disgustingly corny and cheesy and unforgettable-"

"-and you thought I was the best person to ask for help?" she raised a singular eyebrow at me.

"well I mean, you're like- i don't know- I assumed since you have a girlfriend you might know what to do"

"Have you seen my girlfriend? she will gag at the sight of a remotely cute gesture and you think i'm the queen of corny couple date plans?" she crossed her arms and gave me a knowing stare.

"well then what the hell do you two do for dates?" I stared at her.

"That's private"


"Hey why don't you ask Sana?" Nayeon suddenly added.


"Sana, dude trust me, I talked with her a lot while she was admitted and then when she got discharged we hung out a bit she's actually really good at stuff like this."

"and how do you know that?"

"Oh well uh- she just, happened to share some ideas with me that she planned out, for someone else."



I squinted my eyes at her. There's no way she doesn't know.

"You know I can tell when you're lying right?"


"Ugh whatever but-no i'm not asking Sana of all people that's just, awkward. Especially since she asked me first how to woo Momo" I rolled my eyes a little.

"huh??" nayeon's eyebrows came together with confusion, and so I told her about Sana telling me about how she's into Momo.

"That's kinda messy like very very lowkey messy in a fun way" Nayeon had an amused expression.

"it's not even relevant anymore why are we even talking about her tell me what to do for a date already" I groaned, getting irritated now.

I have nothing against Sana at all, and well Momo and I aren't exactly exclusive or anything but just, talking about a drop dead gorgeous girl who momo clicked with so fast, who also happens to like her, just makes me a little jealous. It's nothing personal though I guess it's just human nature? Like i'm not insecure or anything but I am a little.

UGH whatever. Like I said, not relevant.

After Nayeon went home, I spent the rest of the day lazing around, shuffling between different shows, completing some of my incomplete class work, catching up with Yeji on text- ofcourse she asked me to go to a party with her-and eating the left over pizza from last night.

At around 7 I decided to call Momo.

Luckily she picked up instantly.

"....were you waiting for me to call?" I grinned to myself because I can see that being very possible.

"Pfft you wish. I was just watching videos on my phone that you just happened to call on"

"mmhmm. Sooooo...what were you doing?.........what?"
I inquired when I heard her chuckle over the phone.

" Not to seem like a psychic or anything but I'm getting the feeling that you've been practicing what to say to me right now"

"is it that obvious?" i blushed out of embarrassment.

"yes but it's rather endearing so you're good" I blushed harder.

I cleared my throat before continuing,"Okay well, I wanted to ask if you're free this weekend on saturday?"

"yeah I haven't really been out much so most probably" she replied.

"okay great um well I was hoping we could maybe like, you know hangout...somewhere?"

"'hangout' you say?" I just know she's smirking because she knows what i'm asking her right now I just feel too shy to say it upfront.

"you know what I mean" I whined to which she laughed.

"yes but I want you to say it"

"yeah no"

"Actually Im kinda busy on saturda-"

"willyougoonadatewithme." I rushed out.

This is literally emotional manipulation.

Momo laughed out loud at my reaction, a sound I've started enjoying immensely, and when she caught her breath, she replied, "yes."

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