Constant denial

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"Seems like there was internal bleeding which caused the seizure. We have done the operation, it was a success. Now we just hope she's able to gain consciousness soon. If she isn't awake, things might....get a little out of hand. Now if you'd excuse me"

Momo's doctor finally came out of the hallway they had taken her to. It had been about 2 hours maybe 3? I don't know time seems to be dragging itself right now anyways. When bombarded with questions by mrs Hirai, me, Jeongyeon, he told us what had happened and how we need to hope she gets up.

"She's a strong girl, she'll pull through" Nayeon comforted momo's mother as Jeongyeon headed over to inform chaeyoung, Sana and mina.

I was pacing the hall, my mind racing.

"You should sit down y/n" momo's sister offered her seat but I politely declined.

"Are we allowed to see her?" I turned to the three people.

"I- I'm not sure" Nayeon said.

"Hmm" i hummed and continued walking. I just want to see her once. I began walking away from the others, till I found the doctor stepping out of a room.

"Excuse me!" I jogged up to him.

"Can you please, please let me see her." I pleaded him with my hands joined.

He sighed as he replied, "Kid, I-"

"I know what you said. Just, let me just look at her once please. You don't have to let anyone know- I won't tell anyone I just want to see her face, one, time."


I was desperate. I didn't care. I just want to look at her.

"Uhhh, fine. Fine, follow me"

I was a little taken aback, I didn't think he'd allow me. I quickly followed him as he lead me down the hall Momo was at.

"I'm sending a nurse and she will help you get into the required outfit. After that you can see her, but please, don't take too much time. You can properly see her once we shift her to a room too"

"Thank you so much", finally.

Once he left, a woman entered and gave me what I was supposed to wear. It was a suit, a mask and a type of head wear, gloves too. After that I followed her out and towards where I'm assuming Momo is.

My heart was pounding in my chest.

"Here. I'll be back to escort you out soon." The nurse smiled at me before she opened the door and gestures for me to go inside.

I walked inside as she closed the door behind me and left. God I'm so scared right now.

The room wasn't too brightly lit. I could hear the heart monitor beeping steadily. Still facing the door, I felt frozen.

Slowly, I turned around and immediately felt my eyes swell up. Momo.....

She had a brace around her neck, so many bandages on her arm. The rest of her body was covered with a blanket but I could see the outline of a cast on one of her feet. As I walked closer, I noticed the stitches on her eyebrow too. I could see her colorless lips through the transparent oxygen mask. She looked so....pale.

I looked down at her hand that had been poked with so many drips. She looks so, lifeless. Why did this happen? Why to her?

I let a few tears fall that couldn't be contained. I walked to the other side of the bed, to her hand that didn't have ten different drips going in it, and very gently held it in mine.

There was a stool nearby that I dragged closer to the bed and sat on.

I moved my other hand to her face, lightly brushing her bangs a bit that were disheveled.

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