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I groaned as a strong throbbing in my head woke me up. The sun was shining bright. How do I know that? Because my goddamn curtains were open and there was not a single ray of sunshine that wasn't in my room right now. Ugh it's so bright.

I pulled the blanket over me as I tried going back to sleep but my head was killing me. Oh yeah, I drank yesterday. Tch

I threw the blanket off me as I tried opening my eyes but just couldn't cause it was way too bright so I turned to face away from my window only to gasp loudly as I saw a body laying next to me.

Is that Momo? What's she doing here?? She was facing the other way but I knew it was her.
Uh I'm assuming she stayed cause she was drunk. Do I wak- no no. That's dumb she's gonna be hungover too.

With a lot of strength I reached out for my phone on my side table to check the time. It was only 10:00. I would've slept if I could've but my headache was too much. I got up, silently wincing as the throbbing increased, trying not to disturb Momo.

After using the bathroom I went downstairs where I saw jeongyeon and nayeon cuddled together on the couch. The hell? They stayed over too?? I'm assuming mina and chae left then. If Mina had stayed over too that would've meant we drank a lot.

I walked to the kitchen to get a big glass of water as I immediately downed it. I took some more and went to my parents room. The pills are in their bathroom closet. I took the box of Tylenol out and started walking back to my room.

I was about to open the door when I heard subtle snoring. It wasn't Momo, none of the yeons would be loud enough, my parents aren't home either. I followed the sound to the....guest room??

Quietly opening it i was surprised to see the remainder of my friends sleeping there, or should I say spooning together. How very interesting.

I went to my room where I sat on my chair and had two pills. The pain wasn't instantly relieved so I lied down again after putting the glass and box on the side table.

The minute my body touched my bed, Momo started moving. She opened her eyes with a groan as she squinted to focus on me.

"Good morning sunshine" I said in a monotone voice.

"Ugh what?" She stared at me, clearly disgruntled. "Agh my head"

"Yeah, I figured it would hurt. There's a box of Tylenol on ur side table and some water. Have that."

"This is not enough water for me to swallow two pills"

I sighed as I got up from my bed to get her more water.

Nayeon and jeongyeon were still passed out. I'll wake them up once I've dealt with Momo. And we don't need to worry about the other two in the guest room right now.

"Here" I handed a full glass of water to Momo who was now sitting up, eyes closed with a hand holding her head.

"Ah thanks" she swallowed the pills and finished the water.

"You hungry?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"I'm always hungry" she replied, eyes still closed.

"Well you can't eat if your sleeping so"

"I know I know ugh. Let my head stop throbbing and I'll get up" she said before she fell back on her pillow with a deep sigh.

"What do you wanna eat?" I asked as I leaned back on the headboard, one leg on the bed while the other hung down.


"I don't know what that is"

"shhhhhh" she breathed out.

"Tch. Here let me.."

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