not my roommie

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Now obviously no one is gonna want to sleep while on a trip with your friends in a different country. It's currently half past midnight and everyone's up.

I mean seriously everyone.

After a lavish dinner at one of the rooftop restaurants here in the hotel building, the teachers advised us to sleep early because we have our first outing planned at 9 in the morning.

Right now even the teachers are awake.

It's just so fun.

We're all going in and out of our rooms, exchanging snacks, planning outfits for tomorrow, some of us are showering, some are loitering in the hall.

I'm in Mina and Sana's room because it's slightly bigger for no reason. Momo and Chae are here too. Sana is showing us clothes she's brought and we're helping her put together an outfit. Well atleast Chae and Mina are.

Momo and I are more interested in each other at the moment.

After sharing that kiss and clearing any confusion that could've been, we've been clinging to each other the whole entire time.

She introduced me to her roommate Dahyun when we all began to leave for dinner. She seems nice and Momo and her are really good friends.

"What do you guys think?"


"uh guys? Momo?"



"What?!" I jumped a little when Chae yelled my name.

"Agh my ear y/n!" Momo whined and groaned as she rubbed her ear. Her fault, she's the one that wanted to sit so close together.

"You know we're not keeping you two hostage here? and you can go to a separate room if you want to?" Chae teased as Sana laughed a little.

"No no we're fine. Sana that shirt is so pretty what pants are you wearing with it?" I rushed out so as to not seem totally uninterested.

"she's holding up pants y/n." Mina deadpanned.

"Okay I think my girlfriend here needs to get some fresh air." Momo chimed in before standing up and taking my hand.

"You need to have your lips not attached to someone else's in order to actually get in air by the way." Chae joked making Sana laugh loudly.

"You're so funny!" She smacked Chaeyoung's shoulder playfully.

I smirked a little while walking out after seeing Mina slightly frown at the exchange. She's just like me when I wasn't realizing I had feelings for Momo.

"You wanna go to my room? or yours?" Momo asked as we walked out.

"to do what?" I innocently asked while playing with her fingers.

"Y/n.." Momo laughed softly before kissing my cheek.

"Let's go to mine i'm almost certain Ryujin won't be in there." I dragged Momo towards my room. Knowing how outgoing and spontaneous Ryujin is, she's definitely with a group of her friends walking around the hotel.

"See?" I said after entering my empty room.

I plopped on the bed reaching my hand out for Momo to grab which is when I saw her expression falter a little.

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