Hospital bed

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"Can I go in alone?" I turned back to face Jeongyeon and nayeon who had brought me to momo's room.

"Yeah sure whatever" Jeongyeon replied. "Wait I think both the moms are inside..want me to get them out?" Nayeon asked me.

"Huh oh yeah. Yes" I nodded.

"Okay wait" Nayeon went inside, leaving me with her girlfriend.

"'ve been spending a lot of time 'alone' with Momo havent you?" Jeongyeon snickered.

"She's literally my best friend what do you mean?" I defended.

"Just saying. Nayeon and I spent a lot of 'alone' time too before we ended up like this" is she catching on already?

"Oh youre here- did you finish the soup?" My mom asked as she exited the room with Momo's mom.

"Yes yes-step aside" I hurriedly spoke as they laughed at my impatience and walked away. Jeongyeon then pushed the wheelchair in towards momo's bed and left with her girlfriend.

"Hey" I smiled wide when I saw Momo but my smile faltered a bit when she didn't return it.

"D-did something happen? Are you okay?" I felt worried and pushed myself closer to her bed. She didn't even look at me. What?

"Uh, Momo?"

"What?" She bitterly replied.

Did I do something? I didn't even see her- wh-

"Did I, say something last night?" I asked softly, feeling helpless because of my cluelessness.

"You actually did say something last night. Something I think was, quite a big thing to say for you to not mean it" she replied, still facing away.

"B-but I meant it? I'm so confused mo- can you atleast look at me?"

She turned to face me, a sorrowful look on her face. I felt my heart hurt. "Momo...what did I do wrong? Tell me please?" I pleaded.

How are we already having issues man.

"I don't know, maybe ask the one you're getting flowers and cards sent too"

"Wh-what? How did you know?" How did she know about that?

"Your mom was in here when you called" she replied as she dropped her head down and began fiddling with her fingers.

"Momo..." I sighed as I held her hand in mine. Thankfully she didn't pull away.

"I asked her to send those flowers to Ryujin yes. I also asked for a card. Do you know what the card said?"

When she remained quiet, I continued.

"It was an apology. I was saying sorry to her. Sorry because I can't get involved with her anymore, because...I....I have you. I have, feelings for you. And I wanted to gently let ryujin know that. Do you think that makes it okay now?" I asked hopefully.

"Are you lying?" "No!"

"Oh. I'm sorry then. I, I don't know I felt upset-I-I shouldn't have-"

"Momo" I smiled a little as I cut off her rant, "it's okay" I interlocked my fingers with hers and smiled, which she returned this time.

"Well since you already knew I guess there's no point in hiding it-"

"Hiding what?" I asked

"I've liked you for so, so long. I don't know I guess after hearing you finally say you feel the same I got a little worried when I heard your mom" she truthfully admitted.

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