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"Really?" I asked a guilty looking Momo. In fact my own expression wasn't very nice either. I'm not sure how this made me feel. It's like I'm being told to share my best friend with someone and I don't like it.

"y-yeah" she looked down, her tone uncertain.

"I'm not buying it" I crossed my arms as she looked at me.

"What, that I like sana?"


She scoffed as she looked elsewhere before saying, "what does that even mean?"

"I mean I'm not convinced."

"Well too bad then y/n"

"Why do you even like her?"

"You literally told me I should the other day."

"I was just saying" I mumbled

"God y/n you're so- so- ugh!"

"If I'm so 'ugh!' I'll just leave then" I replied with an attitude. There was no valid reason for me to be rude but im slightly annoyed right now.

"I can't believe you're the one getting all pissed. The irony of it all" she scoffed as she rolled her eyes.

"What irony?!" I fumed "you always say this weird- shit in code and clues and im left wondering what the hell you mean!" I grabbed my hair with frustration.

"Nothing goddamn it!" Momo yelled back "it's not my fault your too bloody ignorant to something so obvio- you know what. I think you should just leave"

"No! No, im not going anywhere till you tell me what the hell it is I don't know" I looked down at her as she sat on her bed.

"Just- just leave it y/n" she replied, quieter this time, "please just go"

Hearing the defeat in her voice made me lower my own as I sat down next to her, cautiously holding her hand taking a deep breath.

"Momo, listen. This has happened many times before- you saying something vague, me not knowing what it means and then we both just end up dropping it. Today, I want to know. I've had it honestly please just tell me what the issue is-"

"You" Momo looked up at me, eyes slightly teary, "you're my issue"

"Wh-what does that mean" I blinked at her as she pulled her hands away from and stood up.

"I think you should leave"

"No Momo come on plea-"

"You don't understand" she shook her head, eyes looking down "Just go"

"Then make me understand" I moved closer to her despite her holding out her hand in an attempt to stop me.

"Please Momo," desperation was dripping from my eyes as I looked into her sad ones.

This whole situation is so confusing to me.

"Y/n you don't get it I. Cant. Tell you" she replied a little firmly this time

"Why not?"

"Because...I just can't"

"Okay listen, whatever it is, when you think the times right, tell me. Okay?" I tried reasoning with her.

"Fine I guess"

"Okay. See that wasn't so bad?" I smiled at her "I'm leaving now but don't forget I'm your best friend okay? Whatever it is I'm only going to help you with it" I gave her one last look as I walked out her room door and leaned against it.

"Jeez" I sighed.

Just as I was about to leave I heard shuffling from inside. I really shouldn't but, I'm so tempted.

you're my best friend (Hirai Momo)Where stories live. Discover now