a new start

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"I still think just telling them would be better." Momo said.

It had been a while since i came over. The hallway light that was seeping in from under her door was now off, her room's window was closed, Boo had fallen asleep, and we were still holding each other, talking.

Talking as girlfriends.

"Noooo" I whined because Momo wouldn't agree with me.

I keep on telling her that we should not tell  the others but rather show them if you know what I mean. I wasn't implying anything inappropriate either I just told her it would be funny to have everyone 'accidentally walk in' on us kissing or something.

"Y/n are you 9?" Momo exasperated.

"I am 9 actually yes. I'm 9 and you're the 1-"

"Stop, right, there." Momo warned.

I chuckled in response and snuggled into her side a little more. I don't know what it is but after hearing her say 'yes' to being my girlfriend it's like I've unlocked a new level of love for her in my heart.

"What's the date today?" Momo randomly asked.

I simply shrugged as I kept my eyes closed.

"check your phone" she nudged me as she held me.

"No it's in my back pocket and i'll have to move my arm away from you and I don't want to do that you check your phone." I muttered.

"But then I will have to move my arm from around you to reach for it and I don't want to do that either." she replied.

"Well then just forget it" I concluded.

"But I wanna know" she whined a little.

"I want to remember today's date forever too but I am not moving and you aren't either so we can both just use this strange new technology called 'calendar' on our phones later and etch today's date in our minds for all eternity." I sassed.

"okay" Momo replied in a child voice  as she shrugged and snuggled into me too.

"can we stay like this all night?" my girlfriend asked me.

"I would love to but I would also love to continue living which won't happen if my mother doesn't see my face at home." I sighed sadly.

"Well then go home what the hell? I don't want you to discontinue living either" Momo shoved me away as she pretended to be concerned.

I groaned and sat.

"I was joking cuddle me again." Momo pouted.

"one, don't pout at me like that, i'll end up giving you the world. Two, I wasn't joking about my mother actually killing me and if I lie back down I will become physically incapable of moving away."

"okay" Momo replied with a pout.

I scoffed loudly which made her smirk instead and I must admit, I felt a little nervous suddenly.

She exudes a very dominating, sexy woman aura the minute that smug smirk crawls onto her face. It makes me weak.

"I should get going" I dusted my pants for no apparent reason as I stood up. I then made my way to Momo's side of the bed where she had also sat up with her legs crossed.

"i'll miss you" she teased me so heartlessly because she could tell I was starting to grow a little flustered. When I stood next to her she held my hands in hers and gently pulled me down towards her, giving me the sweetest goodnight kiss.

you're my best friend (Hirai Momo)Where stories live. Discover now