Dance (pt.1)

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"Right on time" Ryujin parked her car and unlocked the doors, quickly rushing to my side to help me out.

"How chivalrous" I smirked at her as I took the hand she offered.

"Not sure what that means but, let's go m'lady"  she bowed before we interlinked our arms and headed for the entrance.
Walking through the school halls, with a few other kids scattered around, we headed towards the main gym. Getting closer, the sound of chatter and music got louder and louder. One thing about this school is that they always go all out in these events. So when I say the gym looked amazing, I mean it.
In the far corner appeared to be a DJ. There were balloons left around, a lot of led lights, a seemingly endless display of food, chairs and tables, and I'm pretty sure when the dancing starts, so will the lasers and fog machines.

"This is clean" Ryujin spoke as we both took in the setting. "Let me ask my friend-"

"Y/n!" I turned around seeing Jeongyeon, nayeon, chae and mina walking towards us. Is Momo not here yet?

"Hi!" I greeted them all with hugs and air kisses. "Guys, this is ryujin, ryujin this is-"

"Im Nayeon, you can call me, just nayeon" Ryujin shook the hand nayeon had offered for a,,,,,friendly shaking.
Hmmm, this is a rather long handshake.

"I'm Jeongyeon, her girlfriend", ryujin's hand was now in jeongyeon's who was not so subtly glaring at her. What is going ON here- aw hell. Why is nayeon smirking like that? Is this a,,,,ploy to, I don't know make her girlfriend jealous or something?

I slightly widened my eyes questioningly when they met nayeon's who just subtly shook her head.

"Uh and this is chaeyoung and mina" ryujin now turned towards the two and shook their hands as well.

"Yo- that tattoo is sick!" Ryujin gasped when she caught a glimpse of chae's tattoo on her collarbone.

"Thanks dude. I designed it myself" chae enthusiastically pulled her suit's collar a little more to reveal the whole piece of ink art.

"That's insane, I've actually wanted one too so bad"
"I could totally give you one. I got a tattoo gun at home"
"For real??"

Okay,,,, I quietly slid away from the two tattoo enthusiasts who seemed to very easily forget about their prom dates.

"So" I moved next to Mina.

"Is it just me orrrrrr, is nayeon being a little-"

"Flirty? Nope, not just you" mina replied as we both discreetly looked at nayeon and Jeongyeon who had moved a good distance away from us.

"When we got here, she complimented one of her friends or something at the entrance and boy, Jeongyeon looked ready to kill" I raised my eyebrows at mina.

"That's,,, totally not,,,weird?"

"She just wants Jeongyeon to get mad. Don't ask me how I know but nayeon finds her very 'sexy' when she's mad and honestly these days the only way to get under jeongie's skin would be to-"

"right. Got it."

"wait-how do you know?" I blinked and squinted my eyes at mina who made a disgusted face. "I think you're forgetting where I slept during the sleepover"

"Uh-ew. Poor you"

She sighed as she somberly shook her head.

"Well, wanna go check out the gym? Both our dates seem have to found good company" we looked towards chae and ryujin who both had their phones out and I think they were on Pinterest? Looking at...tattoos.

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