I looked up at Naana. He reassured me with a smile. So, I took a deep breath and slowly detached myself from him and turned to face the others. Naana bent down a little and pointed at a boy, my twin, whose eyes were already on me. Aahar's eyes were like mine but they had a emotion in then that I couldn't identify. Looking closely I realised that he was smiling with his eyes.
He had love and adoration in them. He looked happy to see me. Then when I looked at his lips, I realised that he was indeed smiling. A wholehearted and comforting smile. His perfect white teeth, full on display. I didn't even realise when I started walking towards him until I found myself infront of him. His smile only got wider and by now I was smiling too. His eyes held warmth and that warmth made me feel blissful inside.
Even before I knew it, I had my arms wrapped around him. I just couldn't control myself. I had imagined this scene a hundred times in my mind but doing it in reality only felt a million times better. Then suddenly bitter thoughts entered my mind, when he didn't hug me back.
What if he doesn't like being hugged? What if he doesn't like me like the others and was only being kind to me? What if he pushes me away? All these 'what ifs' were getting the best of my mind and I was starting to get worried. However I was bought out from my chain of thoughts by arms wrapping around my waist and back. He held me in a tight embrace. His big arms almost engulfing me whole.
The relief I felt was beyond me. I sighed a happy sigh and went ahead and nuzzled my face in his shoulder. He realised and held me tighter if that was even possible.
"I missed you Baby Sis. A lot." I was so busy in enjoying the moment that for a few seconds, I didn't even realise that my twin was speaking to me but when I did I felt like crying from happiness. A even bigger smile grew on my face. He missed me too. At least one of them missed me. He turned his head a little and kissed the side of my forehead while gently combing my hair with his fingers.
He gently pulled away but still held me in his arms. I looked at him and saw him frown. Then he reached out and wiped something off my cheek, with the hand that was caressing my hair. His thumb lightly moved over my cheek and when he pulled it back, I saw that it was a tear that he had wiped. I touched my face and realised that I was crying and till now I had no idea about it.
"Why cry?" He asked as his frown deepened when he saw that I was nowhere near done.
"Because of you." Aahar looked dumbfounded. He didn't expect that reply.
"Why?" He looked like someone just kicked his puppy. Genuinely trying to figure out what he did wrong.
"Only you treated me nicely. Others were mean." I subconsciously pouted at him while he only laughed.
"Aww.. don't be sad baby. You haven't even met the real mean ones yet. You need to be strong to face them." He patted my head and talked to me like I was a two year old. He wiped the rest of my tears and gestured with his head for me to turn around. So, I did.
There stood my fourth and fifth older brothers. They were both twins, Kal and Kain Singh. Both of them stood tall to their full height and massive frames. Totally identical. Like seriously, their eyes just like everybody else's were on me, scanning me as if I am an alien that just landed on Earth. On of them stood with the support of the pillar, with arms crossed over his chest while the other was standing right beside him, with his hands inside his pockets.
They were both in college, as far as I knew. I had stalked their online social media profiles too but I could never gather the courage to send them a request. As Kal Bhaiya, was rearly active, he only had one post on his account and that was a picture of him in a suit, attending some family function. While Kain Bhaiya was a lot more active but he usually posted very umm... Cough cough adult pictures of him and his girlfriends. So, I usually avoided his account.
Aahar pushed me a little, telling me to go to them. So, I hesitatly walked upto them. When close enough I bent down but was again stopped when one of them drew his feet back. They looked so identical that I couldn't tell which one did it.
"Stop it. You are making me feel old." Twin number one fired.
"Do you know which one of us is Kal?" Twin number two asked. As if he had read my mind. I was a little embarassed yet I knew I shouldn't lie to them so I just shook my head and looked down. I heard a amused chuckle followed by a hand gently lifting my face up by holding my chin.
"Yeah? I am Kain. Got it?" Twin number two asked to which I nodded my head but he tightened his grip on my chin. It started to hurt quickly and I as a reflex held his massive hand with my own smaller ones.
"Don't you have a voice? I asked you something. Did you understand?" He again repeated slowly, he sounded angry with my lack of response. So I quickly mumbled a 'yes' but he still didn't loose his hold.
"Good. Now you are gonna stay away from us, at all times. I don't want you near me. K?" He again asked and I quickly agreed. He looked satisfied and removed his hand. All the while his twin looked keenly in between us, not saying a word. I looked at him while caressing my chin.
Why was he being so hostile when I didn't even do anything? I wanted to cry and shout at him. I felt angry. So angry. These were the people Naana wanted to leave me with?! He says they will take care me?! How?! When some don't even want to seen my face? Then I realised something. Naana didn't say anything this whole time. No way would he tolerate something like this happening to me.
A feeling of dread filled my body. I slowly turned around and saw that Naana was nowhere to be found. He left. He seriously left me here. Alone.

Fiction généraleAahana Singh, a 14 year old girl. She always thought that she was nothing special until she met them. She might not know it, but she was the sanity of the most cruel people, the underworld had ever seen or known.