"Mingyu-yahhh~ open the door please?"__________
Hyung? Please open the door..Theoneandonly8:
I know you are seeing this..
Please hyung.________
mingyu finnaly opened the door he said
"Hey Minghao when I unlock the door give me a minute before you go in""Sure hyung"
I said while I hear the door knob click and I waited for a whole minute and I went inI saw him
Covering himself in his blanket
As I go over to him
I pulled the covers lightly and saw him with tears in his eyes."Hyung..? What's wrong?"
"Myungho.. Today is a important day remember?"
As he points to his desk calendar and marked
"My special day""Hyung... U didn't even let us show you something."
Mingyu looks at Minghao confused
"What.. do you mean Hao?"
"Hyung come here"
I said as I pulled him outside
Dragging him to the practice room"Open this door right here."
"Hao this is just our practice room what's going on?"
"You want me to open it for you mister gentleman? Come on just open it hyung it's not like a snake is gonna pop out"
"Well I trust you in this but if I get bit by a snake I will blame you."
As he opens the door
All the lights were shut off"Ok Hao what do u want me to do?"
As all the Confetti was blown by Hoshi and Jun
Didn't expect this huh?S.coups:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GYU HUHU MY BOY IS GROWING UPas Cheol wipes his imaginary tears away Wonwoo comes in with his cake.
Happy birthday u big puppy
Make a wish.Mingyu:
Thank u guys!
I thought you forgot..Hoshi:
You know what we didn't forget that water thrown at usAs hoshi splashes water at mingyu
Well that backfired?As they all laugh and mingyu gets changed into a hoodie and pants
It was a good day today.After the party Minghao went to mingyu and dragged him outside
"Hey is this how you treat a birthday boy?"
"Get changed were going somewhere."
"I uh Minghao? Who's gonna clean the place"
"Is that how you treat a birthday boy? Now get changed into a good outfit. Go!!!"
"Um! Okay! Meet you downstairs I guess"
As mingyu walks out with leggings and a t-shirt with a jacket
As he sees Minghao in a white shirt and pants with his signature style his cardigan.
As Minghao dragges Mingyu into the car.Mingyu:
U didn't tell me you knew how to drive?Minghao:
Well Mister Kim i do.Mingyu:
Where are we going anyways?
Are u just kidnapping me at this point?Mibghao:
Yes. But no.Mingyu:
Well that's a answer.As Minghao drives him to there destination mingyu was Surprised when he saw the restaurant it looked very expensive and it was next to the seaside to.
Come on I already reserved us a table it's next to the window so you can see the ocean.Mingyu:
What all of this Minghao?Minghao:
Bringing me into expensive restaurants?Minghao:
Oh yeah about that.
It's your birthday? Might as well spoil the birthday boy.Mingyu:
Well okay then.Waiter:
Hello Sir's may I take your order?Minghao:
I'll have the chocolate smoothie and the choco cake please.Mingyu:
Um.. I'll have a lemonade and some pancakes.Minghao:
Pancakes? At 4:00?Mingyu:
I mean why not?Minghao:
Hey I'm I also have to tell you something..Mingyu:
I um.. I just wanna say that i..Water:
Here are your Drinks.Mingyu:
Oh thank u.Mingyu: what was it that you were saying Hao?
Um.. nevermind..
Um excuse me for a minute I'm just gonna go to the bathroom.Mingyu:
.As I looked into the mirror I wanted to tear myself in pieces
I didn't know what to do at this point but I can't hide the way I feel."I have a plan."