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"By the way finish your own coffee because we're going somewhere."

"Again? This story is always repeated I don't wanna go anywhere just for me to forgive you."

"I'm not just taking u anywhere.
I'm taking you somewhere special."


"Done alright come on."

"Hey my hand hurts."

"Hyung where are u going?"

"Somewhere just I'll borrow your bike okay?"

"I mean sure just don't pick the blue one it's broken the black one the key is red."

"Alright thanks we are coming back just don't wait for us."

"Okay then?"


"Where are you taking me."

"Somewhere. Why are u holding so tight are u scared."

"No? I mean why would I have rode a motor bike many times."

"Then loosen your grip."

"No I'll fall off."


"Hey love I don't recognize this place where are we."

"Somewhere love."

"Wait no I'm kidding stop I'm litteraly gonna explode Jun I'm gonna drift this motor and we are both seriously ending up in the hospital."

"No we are both ending up in a grass field face front on the dirt."

"Well specifically that."

"Wow where is this place."

"Somewhere. I've been telling u since earlier."

"Somewhere? I love it."

"I knew you would it's just purple  lilacs and tulips and everything."

"Why'd you take me here."

"Let's get down from this bike first."

"Hey I can't take this off."

"The what?"

"Helmet dang it."

"Wait a second."

Wonwoo says as he helps Jun take his Helmet off.

"Thank you but I'd appreciate you not being so close to my face."


"Come here."

"Hey get your hands of me."

"No you'd not trust me if I didn't do this."

"Why wouldn't I."

"I know who you are and I know you would not walk with me even if a force you so I'll do both."

"I trust you."

"You trust me enough to put on your parachute and push you off a jet plane?"


"Why? I won't loosen your parachute."

"Didn't say anything about loosening parachutes."

"Well. Okay fine."

"Why'd you take me here?"

"Sit down."


"What know Jeon."

"Well I just wanted to take you here so we can talk."


"I've never been the best talker with you neither."

"Good thing u know it."

"Please, just stop being mad at me."

Wonwoo says as he holds the younger ones hands.

"Please? I'm sorry. I'll do anything just forgive me I'm not asking you to give me a second chance just forgiving me for what I've done is enough for me."



"You know there's nothing for me to forgive right?"

"What do you mean?"

"I was never mad at you. I'm never mad at you okay? Why would u think that. No wonder you are so nice to me treating me like a princess and everything but Won I was never even mad at you. I was just hurt for the fact that you can't even look at me in the eyes for once."

"It's a fault and that's why I'm asking for your forgiveness.
I did something wrong like very wrong."

"But I was never mad at you."


"Seriously. Why is your hand so cold."



"Can we start over again."

"I tought u said no second chances."

"So no?"

"Depends on my answer did I answer yet?"

"I mean no?"

"Exactly. Well I will think about it just prove to me your worthy of that second chance."


"I don't know find a way to convince me."

"Can I?"

"Can u what."

"Can I kiss you?"

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