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"You have got to be kidding me."

"What? Who would like me other than jihoon?"

"Please he won't even look at you this is what I'm saying to you hoshi The Sunshine is alwase shining at you and u don't see it because u have sunglasses on you have to take them off to see the Sun Shine at you."


"Look it's like this someone likes you but u can't see his love because he doesn't show it because u don't he think's your loving someone else so he keeps his for you to himself."

Hoshi runs back inside there dorm leaving Jeonghan by himself again.

"Why is Joshua even here when I'm still THIRD WHEELING EVERYONE!"

Jeonghan says walking back inside Suprised seeing Vernon With..


"Yes Hyung?"

"What's this..?"
Jeonghan points at Vernon and Minghao.

"Hyung! I'm only helping him write something."

"Okay then sorry for bothering you two."

"It's alright hyung!"
Vernon says.

"Hey are u okay?"

Joshua says putting his hand on Jeonghan's shoulder.

"No nothing it's just that Hoshi's Situation is complicated well I can't talk about it here."

Jeonghan pulls Joshua into the 95z Room.

"It's just that Hoshi's inlove with Wonwoo whole Wonwoo likes Jun well _____ Like's Hoshi and Jihoon Likes Hoshi But Jihoon Likes _____"

"Hey you know u don't need to think about that right? Love your only thinking about there situation you have no time for yourself now."

"How about let them fix it huh?
Your stressing about Another person's problems."

Joshua sits beside Jeonghan.

"How about you get dressed and we can go somewhere where you can breath love..?"

"I would like that Shua."

"Thank u."

Jeonghan says as Joshua Walks out of the room to give Jeonghan some privacy while changing.

Joshua was already done getting ready and he was surprised as he saw Jeonghan Come out of the room,

He was wearing a
White T-Shirt And Light Brown pants and to top it off a hat and a Trench coat that was brown.

"Why are u alwase so Beautiful?"

Jeonghan punches Joshua's Shoulder.

"Let's go now..?"


As they get in there car.

"Well we have to go back by lunch because it's Won's Birthday today."

Jeonghan nods his head.

Joshua was driving to there destination in silence
He has never heard this much ringing in his ears from all the silence.

"Love what's wrong..?
You're alwase so loud and Happy in the dorm."

"Is there something to talk about..?"

Jeonghan says looking back at the window of the car,
They both have arrived at there destination which was a river.

"Come on it's a perfect morning to have a little picnic at the river."

"At 7:00?"

Joshua looks at him and drag's him to there little picnic spot right next to the river.

"Look I'm sorry for not being a great boyfriend to you but this is all I can give to you."

"Joshua when was the last time you said you ever loved me..? All I'm hearing is This is all I can give to you? What you give me a river? What I need is your Love for me Shua I don't want a picnic at the river I don't want a road trip I need you."

"I'm sorry."

Joshua says as he hold Jeonghan's hands.

Jeonghan pulls his hand away from Joshua.

"Sorry is all I get?
Joshua I'm tired of being left out here your alwase with Cheol And Seokmin but never me? U have time for them but not me..?"

"Jisoo is it so hard just to make me feel like we're still together?
Jisoo you might have forgotten you still had a relationship."

"Jeonghan it's not li-"

Joshua gets cut off by Jeonghan.

"So what is it like huh?
I saw you hold his hand Shua.
I hate you I'm done."



Jeonghan runs to there car forgetting he doesn't have the car key.

Joshua runs to Jeonghan
As he hugs him tightly.

"I'm sorry okay look Seokmin was just cold that's the reason I held his hand okay and I'm sorry I spend time with them I'm sorry I made u felt left out in our relationship but please Jeonghan don't leave me."

Joshua wipes the tears off Jeonghan's face.

"I'm sorry Love."

Joshua Lightly kisses Jeonghan On the lip's
As Jeonghan falls into Joshua's arms.

"I love u so much Yoon Jeonghan."

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