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"Was it really necessary for you to blind fold me?"
Mingyu said as he pulled the blindfold off

"Hey put it back on it's a suprise"
While I pulled his blindfold back up I parked the car right at the spot and led him to the spot
I knew he liked oceans so I brought him here.

"Woah! Hey isn't this the place we first met..? I remember this place with a swing but no swing?"

"They took it away I don't know why."

"Oh.. well come on I haven't been here in years."

"What do you mean by well come on?"

I ment why not have fun here it's been so long since we talked a full on conversation with eachother u are alwase so distant to us.

Oh yeah sorry.

As he pulled me near the water I stopped him
"Hey! My clothes are gonna get wet I didn't bring extraaa!!"

"My friend I have a bag with clothes"

"Why would u have a bag with clothes Gyu?"

"I figured that u were taking me somewhere and I was hoping it was a beach so I brought extra clothes."

As I pushed him into the water I ran away and he chased me.
I never had so much fun ever with him we would alwase be so cold and very serious with each other well it was a good day.

HAHA! u should had seen your face when I pushed u in the waterrrrr!


I didn't know your mouth was open

Ok now Where are we going?

Well Im taking u somewhere we can watch the sunset dummy

First of all yey I love sunsets
Second of all your the dummy.

Your more dummy than me.

As mingyu stayed silent
Was he really sulking at me for telling him he's a dummy?
I drove him to our last destination before we go home
He was surprised as alwase
I bought him to a little cafe
That was at a seaside
I knew his favourite places were the oceans
So I brought him to a café near the beach side.

"Why do u keep bringing me into beaches?"

"Because they are your favourite things"

"2nd favourite thing"
Mingyu said as I looked at him confused what did he mean by second? He loved oceans.

"Why second favourite thing I tought you loved oceans?"

"I love something, someone better"
Mingyu said as we walked in the café as he ordered first

"How about u dummy? What do u wanna get?"

"Oh um yeah I'll just get tea."

I tought to myself what did he mean by " I love someone"?
Who is that someone..?

"Come on I found a table for us!"

As he pulled me to the table
I was surprised on how excited he looked

"What's with you, you seem very exited right now?"

"Oh well you brought me to my favourite café who's not exited to be brought in there favourite place with there favourite person?"

"Favourite person..?"

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