"So aren't you gonna help me with this burning pan."
"It's not burning Hao."
"But it's hot."
"Wait let me get don't touch it it's hot don't. Don't do anything okay don't even."
"Okay? Hey Gyu the mittens are right here by the way."
"Gyu? Why are u frozen."
"I'm not the only one seeing this right?"
"What can u see Hao."
"Moon Junhui."
"Jeon Wonwoo?"
"Wh- how whaaa..."
"Wait a second I'll just answer the door Gyu."
Myungho makes his way to the door.
"Hi Hao!"
"What? What is it what's wrong."
"Nothing Hyung."
"Well hello you two come inside Hao move aside for a moment come in."
"Why are you two acting like we're complete strangers."
"Well Won you've been gone from days even weeks and u suddenly come back."
"Aren't you happy?"
"I am it's just that, where did u guys go? We were so worried for you guys. We even searched everywhere for y'all."
"We just went somewhere."
"Hah somewhere."
"Wait you know about that place."
"Yes Jun hyung it's a Wonwoo lingo that he uses when he has a place that is so pretty and brings his boyfriend there. You know I know that place purple lilacs and tulips?"
"I never knew about that place."
"Neither do I."
"Mingyu what are u keeping from me other than this somewhere place wonwoo hyung is talking about."
"I'm not keeping any secrets from you."
"Wait so You and Wonwoo already know where this somewhere place is?"
"Well yeah he brought me there."
"He wanted to check the place out and take you there.
I know the plan Jun hyung You guys were gonna call Jihoon or Joshua Hyung but they were busy so Wonwoo said if they don't respond he's gonna call Wonjin which was a great idea because Wonjin has a motor bike and that's what took you to somewhere but somewhere is not the actual name I also don't know it but yeah exactly that's how.""So you knew where they were and didn't tell us?"
"Sorry Hao."
"That's a secret Mingyu."
"Sorry again."
"Wait u knew about us going out of town and u didn't tell anyone?"
"Wonwoo's plan he said he didn't want anyone knowing."
"Well now that you both are here can u help us cooking food for 13 people because u guys are here already so it's a double celebration."
"Double celebration?"
"Yeah because they are back."
"Alright then can u stop sitting around there and help me."
"U calling me lazy Kim?"
"Maybe I am."
"I seriously hate you so much."
"Alright then. This is the reason I don't wanna be married because it can cause many fights."
"Then what if we don't."
"Woah woah hey calm down.
Let's just cook the food no fighting.""No Jun I think Mingyu can speak for himself Hm?"
"So you're telling me that he has no right to speak because of this argument?"
"You're calling this an argument."
"Yeah what is it then."
"Okay enough Mingyu I'll help u there and Won help Minghao clean the house."
"Fine by me can finnaly get him moving for once."
"Mingyu Kim are u calling me lazy?"
"Well I guess I am now."
"You haven't even done anything but fight with me."
"I don't start fights."
"No not fights u start arguments that lead to fights."
"Okay enough seriously."
"Mind us please. Myungho can take care of this himself."
"Because it's my fault? HAH Mingyu Kim have u learned nothing? Didn't I already say you start the arguments now it's my fault? Now it's turning to me now? You know what."
Myungho takes his ring off and places it on the table.
"Kim mingyu come here."
"Hey I am your Hyung fix this."
Mingyu says as he goes into there room.
"Was that believable?"
"Very. Sorry I called u lazy.."
"That was acting don't worry."
"I felt bad I wanted to take everything back after I said that."
"Hey also u didn't have to take the ring off that hurt me a little bit inside."
"I'm sorry didn't mean to do that.
Just trying to audition for a role in a movie.""Wow you'd definitely get the part and also I feel bad for them why don't we stop this prank this is seriously getting believable."
"Don't worry it's not that serious.
Let's just go back outside.""Okay."
"Finnaly you guys are back what happened."
"What happened."
"It's a prank."
"Wait what happend what."
"Won can u um."
"Can u go to Mingyu for a moment I'll just talk with Myungho."
"Wait so can I be in it."
"Hyung what."
"I mean I wanna prank Wonwoo."
"Why? You guys aren't dating he can get mad at you."
"Aren't dating?"
"What did he do."