"Come here."
"Where are u taking me?"
"Just shush and wait."
"Why are we here?"
"Don't u find this room familiar?
Do u find this room familiar?""Of course, it's where we slept and stayed when we were still living here."
"Go inside."
Myungho said as Mingyu locked the door from outside and left the younger one inside.
"Sorry my love but I gotta go!"
."Locked the frog."
"Seriously? It was that easy?"
"Uh for your information Mister Yoon I am his fiancé he trusts me.
Okay maybe he did but not now but he'll understand.""Okay Minghao done."
"Yeah hyung question."
"Yes Gyu?"
"Why did u make me put him in a room and lock him up."
"Yeah also why are we doing this Han? I haven't got the memo yet."
"Well it's a plan."
"What plan?"
"You'll know."
"Oh gosh Chan are u alright?"
"What why?"
"Your nose wait pinch it and lean your head forward, Shua can u get me a tissue."
"Sure. Han where are the tissues."
"At the kitchen."
"Okay here."
"Take your hand off."
"I'm fine. Just give me the tissue."
"Okay what exactly is the plan here and why did u trap Myungho hyung?"
"Well Chan ask your Cheol hyung."
"Really? Me? I don't even know."
"Well we trap him inside there and he will come out with an empty place we will practically leave him here and leave him with mingyu."
"He can hear us right now that's why I lied."
"I will go check on him."
"What? I won't let him out."
"But if he will I will make u trap him again."
"Finnaly can u let me out now?"
"No but I'm sorry I kinda trapped u in here."
"It's alright to be honest."
"U sure?"
"So why did u put me here."
"Secret. I won't blow it but surely you'll be happy."
"Don't call me fiancé after what I've said, I feel so guilty sending that text to you."
"Hey dont be guilty it was my fault anyways that I left I shouldn't have had agreed to my father I tought he was just trying to make me do one of his jobs as a model."
"I know. I know it was all your fault but I didn't wanna blame you but I still wonder how you got Jeonghan to side with you."
"I tried getting all his contacts and he actually finnaly budged on my last text with him.
Jihoon hyung was a piece of cake he actually didn't know until you said what my situation was, he wanted to help me as well as Jeonghan. You know Seungkwan knew as well?""What how?"
"I told him, he couldn't help me because he was busy with something he said. But I didn't know he wasn't actually here."
"Then u might know where he is?"
"No not at all. To be honest I don't even know if Vernon is with him, it's like they just left and never came back oh and about the cats I found them. They're just somewhere going on a staycation."
"Okay good to know."
"So I have to go now, see you later."