"Soon's I."
"I'm moving here."
"What? Oh your universe lab."
"Yeah, I'm taking everything out of my room and transfering it here."
"In the old company?"
"No in the new one."
"Why'd u say here?"
"I seriously do not even know JUST I'm moving over in the new company in my own dorm."
"Your own? So.. u won't be staying with us?"
"Ji. Seriously?"
"Does it look like I'm kidding?
Look I already told Jeonghan and That room is gonna be your's and Kyeoms because I know you guys are still sharing a room with The two cats.""But."
"Look, I will visit u guys time to time but I need also space from the dorm. Don't worry u guys will do great without me besides u have Seungkwan."
"I promise seriously.
You can still go without me I'm not your dad now get out of here seriously.""Kicking my bestfriend out so soon?"
"Kihyun is backing me up for the first time in forever."
"Go now."
"Yeah no your backing up isn't gonna save me bye!"
"Hope u trip on your way out!"
"Hope the one of your keys on your piano break and u can't find it!"
"Hope your tiger plushie gets lost!"
"Okay enough."
"This is Never enough."
."Wow. Coffee here is seriously more sweet."
"Right? I like my coffee sweetened."
"Wanna go back to the hotel?"
"Sure I mean it's already 5:00."
"Seriously? 5pm I tought it was 3pm."
"Yeah me to."
"Let's go."
"Calm down don't break everything here."
"But what are u gonna do?"
"The same thing."
"There's only one bed I'm not sharing."
"I'm sleeping on the floor."
"Okay nevermind don't."
"I'm so tired."
"Do u want me to smack u in the head with a table or a chair to make u sleep for a week?"
"It will make my condition worst and that's considered abuse bleh."
"You're litteraly a child."
"And u dated me?"
"What if one day I just you know and I didn't even say goodbye to any of u."
"What? What kind of question is that I'm seriously not answering.
I will alwase be by your side no matter how busy I am.""Really?"
"Really. Seriously. I will alwase be right beside u."
"Even if I go away?"
"Then it's your turn to be beside me. Not everytime u will be here."