"how many drinks have u drunk Cheol?"
"6? What about you?"
"Same. I'm not feeling it though they're scamming us."
"Cheol and Jeonghan hyung."
"Let's play a little game."
"What's the game?"
"Drink if u have done it.
Like someone says for example drink if u own a vehicle and the person who has one drinks.""Smart. Very detailed game rules by the way so who's gonna ask?"
"How about Jeonghan then Hao then me."
"Alright drink if u failed the first Sem exam because u didn't listen to sir Lee."
"Are u targeting me?"
"Hao why did u drink."
"I failed the first Sem exam also.
Sir Lee was our sub.""Wow. Soulmates."
"I'm telling mingyu on you."
"What he said but replace mingyu with Jihoon."
"Yeah sure."
."C-cheol hyung."
"Hi Hao."
"I can walk you know!"
"He's drunk."
"Wow I didn't notice that."
"Get him in the car."
"He's in the front seat."
"Finnaly car!"
"What Hao?"
"Yoou know! I loveee yuuu?"
"Ar youu deff?? I said I loveee yuuu yuuuu!"
"Yeah sure. You think I'm mingyu?"
"Im nowwtt drunk!! Gyu.."
"I'm driving you home this instant."
"Drunk Myungho equals clingy Myungho."
"Yeah text his fiancé."
"That he's drunk?"
"That he should wait outside the house to get his fiancé out of my car."
"Gotcha. I'll do it when we are near there."
Yeah hyung? How's the shopping?Jeonghan:
Great actually. Could u get minghao out of the car.Mingyu:
Your fiancé is drunk honey get him out here.Mingyu: