."Thank u."
"Thank u..?"
"Thank u Kyeom for liking me
You were alwase there at times that I was at my lowest and highest but I never saw that because I was blinded by the fact that u were just my bestfriend.""How about turn your best to boy?"
Hoshi hugs the younger one.
Woozi's Pov
"First time in my life Im feeling so alone."
Other than anger I was feeling Sad,
I've never this way before for someone but it just gets destroyed.I liked Cheol He like's Chan.
I adored Mingyu He adore's Minghao.
I loved Hoshi He love's Seokmin.
"Who even am I to like someone it's not like I can force them."
"Hyung! Please open the door."
"Hyung please help me here."
Mingyu pulling Cheol to Woozi's
Bedroom."Wate u said you needed help with your laptop?"
"Well that was the only way for me to get you here."
"U know I could've just said that right?"
"Wate what?"
"Nevermind that now."
"Hey Gyu can u um leave?
Sorry if that sounded rude but can u give us time?""Oh uh sure hyung!"
Mingyu walks downstairs leaving Cheol Infront of woozi's bedroom.
"Ji?? Please open the door."
Woozi's Pov
I heard a quiet soft and deep voice calling me from outside well this wasn't mingyu for sure.
"Ji..?" That nickname was what Cheol kept calling me when we first got here.
"Ji open the door please."
CherrycoupsCherrycoups: jiii??
Cherrycoups: Jihoon please
open the door.Woozijhn: just leave me alone Cheol.
Cherrycoups: that's my finnal straw, Lee jihoon if u don't open this door right now I'm kicking it down.
Woozijhn: Fine I don't want my door broken again, give me 3 minutes.
Cherrycoups: As long as you want.
"Your three minutes are up ji."
The door opens and Cheol sprinted inside knowing Woozi would close the door on him after 1 sentence.
"No one is leaving of entering this room."
Cheol locks the door behind him.
"I don't care what you will do just to it."
Cheol sits on the bed next to Jihoon.
"U won't care if I just delete all your recording's on your laptop?"
"What do u want?"
"Jihoon don't act cool i can see your true emotions trough your eyes."
Jihoon silently sits next to the older one.
"Ji you can't alwase be the older one who is taking care of the maknae's Jihoon were right here with you, I'm Right here with you. Jihoon you can't alwase be the one who listen's."
"I'm here I'm listening to you, You just need to Talk."
"I love you Jihoon, I will alwase do."
"I hate you so much."
Cheol hugs the younger one who was in tears.
"I love you too."