"Kyeom what's wrong?"
"I love Soonyoung but."
"But what?"
"I love Jihoon."__________________________
"I love you"
"Two words that are different but have same meaning."What's that same meaning u ask?
It's the meaning that sometimes if u love someone u can't alwase get them but if u don't show it it's not there.
Don't understand it?
Exactly because it's something u can't understand like the word Love it means nothing but also means so many things.
But to Jihoon love is forbidden in his story.
But not in Soonyoungs and Seokmins.
_________________________Another one.
the same word and same meaning.
But different emotion.
First one is love.
Second one is sadness.
"But Seokmin."
__________________________"But Soonyoung."
But has one meaning for these two.
But is never talked about in love.
It's like saying but I love Cheol.
But your heart beats for Soonyoung.
Right Ji?