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"Kyeom what's wrong?"

"I love Soonyoung but."

"But what?"


"I love Jihoon."


"I love you"

"Two words that are different but have same meaning."

What's that same meaning u ask?

It's the meaning that sometimes if u love someone u can't alwase get them but if u don't show it it's not there.

Don't understand it?

Exactly because it's something u can't understand like the word Love it means nothing but also means so many things.

But to Jihoon love is forbidden in his story.

But not in Soonyoungs and Seokmins.




Another one.

the same word and same meaning.

But different emotion.

First one is love.

Second one is sadness.


"But Seokmin."

"But Soonyoung."


But has one meaning for these two.

But is never talked about in love.

It's like saying but I love Cheol.

But your heart beats for Soonyoung.

Right Ji?


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