"good morning Cheol."
"Why are u so grumpy didn't u get enough sleep last night."
"Nevermind I will talk to u about it later."
"Why are u so gloomy. Cheol? Tell me what's wrong."
"Nothing just enjoy your day alright?"
"Then let's go get dressed we have a long day ahead of us."
"Okay then just u wait."
Hi Chan is Cheol with u right now?Chan:
Yes why?Hanie:
Hon u gotta tell him the truth.Chan:
Not yet hyung. It's too early.Hanie:
Chan come on seriously.
He needs to know look he loves u he needs to know the truth.Chan:
But hyung. I can't tell him now.
It will break him.Hanie:
Look. U still have to tell him.
If u haven't yet I will text him myself Chan.Chan:
Hyung fine, I will tell him okay?
Not now maybe later.Hanie:
Okay. Bye Chan.Chan:
"Who are u texting?"
"No one just Jeonghan hyung."
"Whatcha taking about."
"Doesn't matter now so are u done? Let's go."
"Alright come on I have the keys to the car."
"Yes but u are not driving Chan."
"I knowww! But u don't know the destination and for your information I know how to drive."
"Fine u drive."
"Just u wait a second."
"Stop dragging me."
"We are already here at the car stop acting so dramatic get inside."
"See that wasn't so bad now let's go."
"Where are we even going."
"Hey u okay? Why are we parking at the side."
"Im fine wait a second."
"Okay I'm driving."
"No really it's fine."