"finnaly we are done."
"Yes we are. So goodbye now?"
"Yeah me and Jeonghan have to go somewhere for now."
"Alright bye!"
"Are u sure."
"About what."
"Telling your parents about this."
"Shua, you're gonna be fine.
I will protect you okay? Even when it means I'll be living with you for the rest of my life.""You will be."
"Let's see."
"We're here."
"Oh didn't expect that Mingyu and Myungho's house would be near your parents."
"Yeah. Shua."
"You wanna come with me?"
"Come on."
"Nice seeing you what brings you here?"
"Is dad home?"
"Yeah he's making dinner why?"
"Can we talk about something."
"Sure. Oh didn't expect you'd bring a friend."
"Yeah a friend."
"Hey Jeonghan. What do you want?"
"Are u done cooking dinner for you two?"
"Yes why?"
"Nothing. Can we talk about something."
"Sure Han you've been saying that since earlier. Stop being serious."
"But it's serious."
"Okay why?"
"About Shua."
"Your friend?"
"Sure but I don't care you can call him that it's just that."
"Who is he. I mean can't be your friend because u dont care if we call him that. Definitely not your brother."
"I know you guys might be not supportive of me but I don't really care about that."
"What do you mean Han?"
"He isn't my friend."
"Who is he Jeonghan."
"Yoon Jeonghan."
"I love him."
"Alright then get out of my house."
"What. No Jiun stop it he's our son."
"What did I say something wrong?"
"Actually u did."
"No because I can't stand the fact you can't even support your son in anything he does.
You always get mad at him when he won't love anyone that you give him but now he loves me you neglect him. Why? Is it because I'm a man? Is it because we cant date. No that isn't it right it's the fact that you guys can't even be happy for him at once.
Everything he does is all for you and you never appreciate the things he has done. You know he made alot of achievements but not with you his father figure the one who's supposed to be protecting him no, with me.
I've spent days weeks months with your son and you cant even spend a day with him. You always push him to people he doesn't like now he actually has one and you're not happy.
When are you ever gonna be happy for your own son.
You made him you wanted him you made the decision to have him now you want him not even out of this house but even your own dna. Let's go Han.""Jeonghan wait."
."Hey stop crying hey look look."
"Leave me alone."
Jeonghan say as he pushes away Shua.
"No damnit. I didn't want it to be like that."
"I wanted to actually talk to them not fight with them. Shua do u get what I'm saying right now?"
"No. What."
"U just ruined my relationship with my parents."
"They already ruined it from the start. Jeonghan do you get it that they aren't even proud of you.
The only person who was ever there for you was your aunt.
They never even bothered saying oh how are you Jeonghan.
Han I get it what I did was wrong and I should've just told them properly but look if I didn't speak up now you'd never get away from there chains.""Why? You're saying my own father is using me?"
"He didn't tell you anything.
Jeonghan he's using you for his reputation. For his name.
Tell me the last time he said I love you, I'm proud of you, Han they won't even bother checking up on you it's either you're dead or you're famous they would.
Han I don't wanna say this but look your father is not that shine and butterflies kind of father do you get me? If me not speaking up you would be stuck in his endless loop forever. Jeonghan you can't forever rely on them because they won't even need you anymore if it wasn't for your fame or money.""Jeonghan there are many people loving you right now and me but your father has a new son of his own he even called you a outsider."
"W-What? Son of his own?"
"Never told you? He's cheated on your mother with another women they ended up having a son and your father's mistress left them for nothing. Jeonghan they don't need you they don't even want you I'm not saying this in my perspective I'm saying this to remind you the fact that you can't defend them because they aren't gonna tell the truth for once. Han there's other people waiting for you. Loving you. Me you have me and I will alwayse stay with you, you can't change that but they can."
"I'm sorry."
"No, nothing is your fault u didn't do anything and I dont deserve that apology you do."
Shua says as Jeonghan falls into his arms.
"Hey you're fine alright? You don't need them you have us your real family. We love you okay? I love you."
"I don't."
"Really? Perfect time to joke around."