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"I'll go order for us what drinks do you guys want."

"I'll get what they get."

"I'll get whatever you get Han."

"I'll get whatever Shua hyung gets."

"Damn pressure is on me huh?
Fine but if you guys don't like the order I'm not the one at fault."

"We won't worry hyung u have good taste in food and in people."

"Thanks Hao."

"No worries I know you guys are next."


"I saw the ring under the bed inside the box. I recognize it from a mile away."

"That wasn't for me."

"What do you mean?"

"That was for Mingyu, we exactly planned something to trap u inside a room and he will go inside and have alone talk with you and take it out but he saw your text on the phone with Jun."

"Oh damn sorry I didn't mean to send a text that time. That was an accident."

"I'm telling Gyu."

"Hyung please."

"I'm kidding but that was for you actually. Maybe he'll give it to you."


"Just ordered. What is this table setting? Shua and Minghao and then Jun and Jeonghan?"

"It's to prevent 2 Chinese people from being third wheelers."

"I love how I'm the only M here."

"Back to you Jun."

"Well what?"

"What's with Wonwoo. And why aren't u first moving?"

"Don't wanna talk about it."


"Yes Hao."


"When what?"




"No. Not doing it."

"You'll do it sooner or later stop second guessing each other."

"Still not yet."

"What he said."

"They're delusional without being delusional hao."

"Understood. Hey Jun."

"Yes Hao?"

"You still love him right?"

"Right Jun? Hyung?"

"Hindi na, wala nang pagasa eh."

"What? Hey just because u studied in the philipines doesn't mean u can talk to us in Filipino."

"Wala na. He's not mine Hao I can't keep him forever."

"Letting go of him? Jun you know damn well u can't."

"How would u know? I would be fine without him Shua."

"Would be, that's for now.
You gave him all the chances in the world. And you're just letting him go?"

"Yan na nga sinasabe ko eh."

"I understood that."

"Oh that's what you were saying Jun?"

"What the hell?"

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