"Hey hyungs after this can we eat something."
"I've planned the whole day don't worry."
"What your Han hyung said gyu."
"Yah what's taking so long? Gyu?"
"I'll come out."
Mingyu opens the curtain revealing his black and white suit.
"Oh my gosh."
"Mingyu that's perfect."
"Jun hyung?"
"It's perfect Gyu."
"It's so awkward when there's 4 people."
"How was hanging out with 2 other people like."
"It was a hell of a day for me."
"I won't tell."
"Fine. I'll go pay."
"Yeah did they fight?"
"No? Hao was in a good mood when we went shopping.
And when we picked up Hao that time he was fine.""Where did Mingyu go."
"Jeonghan hyung, u sure he was fine?"
"He didn't look too happy leaving the house right?"
"Are we going somewhere after this?"
"Yes. My treat remember."
"Payed let's go home."
"Home? Already?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"Nothing alright then."
"Hyung u said."
"Mingyu u wanna come with us?
With Jun and Shua to a restaurant maybe eat before going home?""No. Just drop me off I'll be okay."
"Hi Mimi."
"Hey love, you're home so early."
"Nothing just wanted to go home.
We weren't going anywhere anyway after.""Okay. I made some food-"
Myungho says as Mingyu hugs the younger one tightly.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay. I know you're hungry though come on. Mimi let's eat!"
"What hm?"
"Come on."
.Day 16
"Good morning."
"Good morning Gyuuu!"
"Mom didn't pick u up yet?"
"Your mom said she'll stay with us for now because she's busy in the ER."
"Alright. Mimi?"
"Can u go out for a moment? Okay with sol. I'll talk to Hao for a moment."