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Votes Target-45 

I'm setting targets here because this book is getting too less votes so please do votes, comments and share this book as much as you can. It's a humble request to you all to show all your love on this book. 

Don't be silence reader. 


After everything sort out, and women was saying sorry again and again while Kriti was shook her head and signal her that she is okay. 

But there was a question that was lingering on that women and Rahul tongue that is why wasn't she speaking any thing, they want to ask it but don't know how. 

Finally, gathering some courage Rahul asked her but only her name, ''By the way I told you my name, what's your name.''. Kriti don't know what to do, as they don't know that she can't speak. 

''Oh, yeah I also forgot asking your name?'' She signaled her brother to tell them and he sighed. 

''Well, she can't speak and her name is Kriti, now please let her go, she needs rest." he said little irritatingly as they aren't leaving her just asking questions and all.  

They all nodded and while that women was deep in thoughts and she went from there, Rahul also offered them drive but they said that they have car they can go by myself. 

The car was silent, no one speak any thing, Kriti was silently observing outside views while her heart was not at peace, it seems at rebel mode, thumping loudly then it usually can. 

She was feeling restless, but masked her emotions, so that no body could get tensed. 

They reached, Vishal and Kriti come out as Preeti had her another car she directly went home. 

They went inside the home and her mother was the first one to noticed it and she gasped, she rushed towards Kriti and bombarded her questions. 

Her father yelled for anti-septic cream which can soothen the pain and also remove infection. 

Everyone was shocked to see this side of him, They had a beautiful smile on their faces seeing the concern of her father. 

While Kriti has tears in her eyes, her father dragged her to a sofa and start inspecting her wound. 

He started putting cream on her wound and started blowing and during all this time Kriti was constantly looking at him without bothering about her wounds. 

He dressed her wound and when he looked up he saw everyone was looking at him with a smile and Kriti had tears in her eyes. 

He cleared his throat and get back to his cold look and asked to his brother what happened. 

Then explains everything that happened a half an hour ago, Everyone was worried and even proud of her to save a life. 

''Go and get some rest, till then I prepared lunch , Okay!'' her mother said while caressing her cheeks, she nodded and went to her room. 

She locked her room and sighed and stands near the balcony. 

'Why I'm feeling too much restless, what is gonna happen?.'  she sighed and went towards washroom to freshen up. 

Well, some times life was unexpected what will gonna happen at the next moment, we can't predict, that is what gonna happen in Kriti, at what moment her life will take an unexpected turn, she couldn't able to figure out. 

She reached downstairs after listening her mother yell of lunch is ready. 

Everyone silently did the lunch and then remain got busy in their pending work as today was Sunday, so no work, but being a COO of a company, surely have a lot to do. 

She was busy in doing work and didn't noticed the time and not even an unexpected guest. 

''You didn't even remember me, I'm hurt.'' Kriti head snapped towards that direction and she jumped off her bed and tightly hugged her. 

The another person laughed and also hugged her tightly. 

She started speaking in sign language, ''WHEN DID YOU COME?'' Aditi was her another friend but a college friend, she also had her business and she was out for some business meetings and also for family spending time for three months. 

''Just a hour ago and directly landed to your house and yo bitch, you didn't even call me once, only I was the one who called and in this one week, you forgot about me.'' She said half yelling, half scolding. 

Aditi was always a talkative girl and even a badass type, but her personality is that she always make other person comfortable around her, no matter who was that person is. 

She suddenly gasped and hold her elbow and glared at her, ''What is this?'' she asked in a worried tone.

''Is it hurting?'' 

"How you get it?'' 

''How you get it?'' 

''What happened?'' 

She bombarded too many questions at one time and Kriti holds her hand and dragged her to the bed and gave her a glass of water. 

She started telling her every incident while writing on her phone, and Aditi silently reading it first but one thing shocked her. 

''Wait, oh my holy, moly, are you telling me you have met RAHUL RAIJADA, the hottest and second bachelor of the world.'' she said and started scrolling some thing on her phone. 

''WHO IS HE?'' she asked. 

''Wait, are you living under the rocks or what, you don't know about them.'' she said in a shocked tone, how could she not know these hottest meals, she thought. 

''Girl, start watching news.'' she said while flickered her head earning a glare from Kriti but in return she rolled her eyes. 

''WAIT, WHO IS THEM? DIDN'T HE IS A ONE PERSON, WHO IS ANOTHER?'' Another shocked got by Aditi from Kriti. 

''Are you even a human being.'' she asked and while Kriti was confusedly looking at her with a weird expression like she had grown two horns on her head. 

''I'm talking about a business tycoon, hottest, sexiest and first bachelor of the country and also he is mafia, coldest and scariest person alive, REYANSH RAIJADA, look.'' she showed her his picture, dark and intense eyes, sharp jawline, his only one pic is enough to fall for his beauty. 


So that's it. 

I know I'm posting late but what to do, nobody is voting on this book, I have set only 45 votes target, are they too much to complete it. 

Guys please do votes, I can only asked you for this. 

And from now on I will not post anything until my targets got completed and if you want regular updates of this book then do votes. 

Please try to consider my request and do votes and comments. 

Till then stay tuned and take care. 

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