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Aarush's POV

Ugh, why this is happening with me, why this girl is coming in my mind again and again.

I never liked this girl but somewhere in my heart I care for her.

But never mind, I never liked her because she was imperfect and Aarush Singhania always like perfection in his life.

But now what happened?

Why I'm remembering that girl again and again.

Even if I want to spend my night with any other women, her face starts coming in front of me.

I'm totally frustrated and above of all that, my contractor of my companies denied to work with me.

I don't know what has changed now and I want to get appointed with most biggest entrepreneur that is REYANSH RAIJADA but all the meeting dates are full for the next few months, and I want to meet him as soon as possible.

I can't let my company sank down just in a blink and by thinking all this, my head is bursting and my eyes are burning.

I remembered when I had headache, she made porridge and hot coffee for me so that I can get relaxation but I never cared about her feelings.

I also remember she was always working late at night, sometimes do not eat anything but I always ignored her.

Now a panv of guilt hit me, due to all this whatever I did was not settling right with me now, I'm feeling guilty.

I shouldn't have to feel guilty but I don't know why I'm feeling guilty, I need to concentrate on my company which is slowly sinking down.

I have now only one company with me that is Dutta enterprise.

Kriti's father company, we had a deal that we will collaborate and now I think it's the high time to merged our company.

I dial my PA and inform about thi but a sudden news brought me to my knees and shocked filled inside the core of my heart.

"Sir, Singhania company CEO has denied to compel any relation with you and he also took back all of his shares which he put in our company."

How could he do this?


We had a deal, god damit.

I quickly hang up the call and dialled a number.

"How can you do this with me?" I shouted as soon as another person picked up the call.

"Why? Does it hurt?" Another person mocked.

"Mr. Singhania we had a deal." I shouted.

"Which deal you are talking about? We never had a paper deal, we just had a oral deal and company laws never consider a proper deal." I cursed myself for agreeing with oral deal.

"Why are you doing this?" I slowly asked.

Another person laughed, "you still have a audacity to ask me why I'm doing this, we'll listen because I know your dirty secret, I know all the secret about the way you treat your wife, I know all the secret of you abusing your wife because whom you treated badly and abuse her, she is my sister." He said with a rage.

What, Kriti is Viransh Singhania Sister.



"Reyansh bhai." When Kriti listened this name, she can't believe he know everything about her but never questioned her character and even never abuse her due to the fact he knows that she is mute.

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