Chapter- 38

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Kriti's POV

My heart is seems like, it will explode at this moment right now.

I never thought Reyansh, the biggest mafia and biggest business tycoon will give himself to me.

And now I'm scared, not because of my past, because of the wounds, because of the ugly trauma that had caused me in the name of love.

I will never say I love that person, no I don't love him but I was respecting him as my husband but never mind he is not that worthy.

And my heart is now at peace because I got to know about my feelings, after that past I never wanted to fall in love but this person who is cold but still he takes care of me like a baby.

He tried to change himself infront of me and that melt my heart but still I want to listen from his mouth what he feels about me.

It's not that I have doubt, my doubts all got vanish at that moment when he give himself to me.

But you know love was something I was afraid of after that worst situation with me.

But this man, this man is different and even I don't know when and how I feel for him.

I'm glad I got to know about my feelings but now I want love confession from him.

I don't know anything about that, if he can't confess, I will do but first I want to know about this feeling.

And I know who will help me in this situation.

But now I'm more excited to work in Reyansh company, as well nervous too.

Although Reyansh had assure me that I don't have to give interview and directly worked as his PA but here I don't want any special attention.

I want to become by myself now, something that will remain alive forever in the whole world.

Now I want to show my worth to the whole world and will surely let them know that this mute girl can achieve everything.

But there is a doubt in myself.

I was too engrossed just then my room door opened and Reyansh walked in, well not my room, it's Reyansh room.

Well he technically ordered me to shift in his room because of my constant nightmare and surprisingly since I moved in this room I never got nightmares.

I feel safe in his arms, in his presence, never thought this would be like that but now I'm liking this.

He walked out from the washroom with freshness and come to bed.

Just then maid knocked on the door and come inside with the food.

"What are you thinking so deeply?" He asked while we had dinner and Rahul is on the business trip as he has also his own business but most of the time he remain in his brother office to learn more about.

Should I tell him my fear.

Fear of judging, whatever and how much I tried but this impact is deep and if I tried to be strong then still will there be a fear of judging by someone.

An impact on my forehead made me come out from my dreamland thinking.

I glared at him because he just flicked my forehead.

"Where are you lost?" He again asked in his unusual cold tone.

I should tell him.

I started signing, "I don't know but I'm scared."

She looked up at him, and again continue when she got the signal, "actually I don't know but I'm afraid of people reaction, people judging sense towards me, because a person like me.."

"What do you mean by person like you, huh." He asked in his angry tone.

"I just hate those people who are afraid of people reaction, and their judgement, who are they to judge you and if this happened then remember I will not hesitate to remove that person from this world's population list and he/she will regret to born on this earth." These words did something to my stomach as it made me flip inside and my heart beats speeded up.

I don't know what should I do, should I feel relax that Reyansh would never let me fear, should I take tension what is coming next.

"Don't stress you little brain, little angel. There would be never anyone who will hurt you, or there will not be anyone who will dare to raise their eyes upon you." He said while caressing my cheeks.

"Reyansh, I don't know any attention, I want to work as a normal employee, so promise me you will never let anyone that I'm related to you, everyone will look down on me, please promise me." I signed while forwarding my hand.

"Angel, don't make me regret any decision, you know I can't do anything and if anyone said anything to you then you clearly know what will I do with this person." He said in more Icy cold voice.

"That's what I don't want, please Reyansh, just for me, please." I signed while folded my hand in the form of namaste.

"Angel." Came a stern voice but I didn't budge because I clearly don't want that because of me Reyansh reputation will go down and he do something regretful.

"Fucking fine." My heart skip a beat hearing a curse word from his mouth and he put his hand in my hand as a sign of promise.

"But remember my one thing, if anything happened than I will surely make sure that person will never shown his/her face and you will first inform me otherwise I know what can I do with you as your punishment." He said while sliding his big and rough hand to my waist and dragged me closed to his face.

I gulped feeling intimidated and I nodded.

He smirked and kissed my forehead and then we continue eating our dinner.

I don't know what this tomorrow will bring for me, I just hope everything went well.

Because I know if any slightest thing was noticed by Reyansh, then I don't what will he do.

He may be soft hearted with me but for the world he is cruel, ruthless mafia and one of the business tycoon.

I'm praying that everything will go well.



Hey all, long time right.

Hehe, sorry 🥲

But I was very busy as we are shifting to another place and you all know there is always double hard work while shifting from one place to another place 😓

So I just get time to write and I know it's a short chapter, so sorry but next time I will write a big chappie and yeah only one follower is left for being 400, so do follow me and support me.

And next chapter will be of confession chapter 🌹🙈

So wait for it stay tuned and love you all

Bye bye see you all soon.

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