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I have reached here and as expected, everyone is staring at me..

But I shouldn't be nervous, that's what they both told me...

If I have to start my new life, I have to overcome my trauma.

By taking a deep breath I went inside, I know Reyansh and Rahul must be there.. so I don't have to fear anything..

But still the fear of judging is there in my mind and this fear I am not able to remove it.  Every time whenever wherever I go this fear goes with me.

But now not anyone I have to cope up, I have to go back to my old self..

Why do I care about what others say when no one cares about me, not my husband not my family.. why do I care about them. I should care about those who actually care about me who gives me strength despite of the fact I was a stranger to them.

Sighing, somehow I reached the meeting room where interviews are going on. I'm glad no one didn't make fun of me.

"Miss kriti, you have been called inside for the interview. All the best." A kind women said to me.

Actually she is the one who made me reach her when I signal her that what I am here for.

By nodding I reached inside, I was pretty nervous but by seeing the face of those two my whole tension went away. I know Reyansh is cold but he did his best try to talk to me in a soft voice.

"Hi miss kriti, please welcome and sit." HOR said and by nodding and passing a smile I sat down there.

"Please pass me your CV" he said

I passed to him and all the time I was feeling eyes on me which surprisingly making me feel relax.

I'm feeling myself calm as compared to before.

I have explained briefly in my notes whatever I have prepared for this interview and here is the translator which is called for me as they know I can't speak...

"Well done Ms. Kriti, you may go out, we will inform you about the results after two days." HOD said to me And By sighing I went out of the room as my heart was thumping.

I drank the water to calm myself and went out from the office to the nearby cafe to spend some time alone.

"One cappuccino please." I wrote this in my phone and showed the girl who was working there.

She nodded and I went to the last corner seat to sit peacefully. 

This world, this life is just busy in themselves, no one cares about anyone whether anyone is dying or whether anyone is torturing anyone.

They just want entertainment from their busy life and then record it and post it on social media to get votes and comments.

"Mam your coffee" A servant come and serves it, I smiles and nodded.

Why these people who are born from same place, have same senses why they just make other feel that they are lonely, there isn't any humanity left in nowadays.

Always anyone tries to make that person feel down especially those person who have some disabilities.

They should understand that it's not our fault that god makes us like that.

We know only how we survived in our world where people see us like a dirt because we aren't complete.

By taking a sip I looked outside of the Window, these two people whom I didn't even know came in my life like a god to just create my life again.

And I'm thankful that I'm getting back on my life again.

I stop caring to those people who doesn't care about me.
In fact except Rahul and Reyansh no one do and I don't care about them as well.

I was busy looking at outside, I didn't get to know when someone sit in front of me.

I looked up only to met beautiful pairs of eyes looking at me intensely.

"What are you doing here?" I signaled and he smiles little.

"You did amazing in your interview." Reyansh said to me.

And I grinned happily that someone is actually being happy for my success.

"All thanks to you Reyansh, I don't know how to thank you, you are healing me and you know making me confident like again, I'm just too much grateful for you that you came in my life." I signaled and after that hold his hands.

He smiled and kissed my hand, "come with me." He said while taking my hand and stood up.

I looked confusedly to him and in return he just smiled little and said , "Trust me". By nodding, he paid the bills of the coffee and in return I glared at him.

"What, I just paid." He said to me while raising his eyebrows.

I sighed and shakes my head and followed him wherever he is going.

He made me sit on his car and sit beside the passenger seat.

"Where are we going.?" I asked him by signing.

"You will get to know, so be patience." He said and I scrunched my eyebrows and look outside of the window.

After some time, he stopped the car in the middle of the forest and I looked at him surprised.

What he is doing?
Why I'm here?
Is he going to...

Uff, I shouldn't think bad things, he hoped out of the car and open my door and when I hoped out he put the blindfold on my eyes.

I gasped and hold his hand, "don't worry I'm not going to kill you, just trust me and come."

I nodded feeling don't know but I hold his hand and starts going wherever he is taking me..

I feel myself lifting and I hold his shoulder tightly feeling shocked.

There are rocks on the way and I don't want you to be careless and fall down.

I pouted feeling my insult and his care as well.

But then he put me on ground, "don't open it yet, when I will say then only you can open."

I nodded and he left me there, I was standing still when he said to me open my blindfold

When I did, I was too shocked to react like o couldn't believe my eyes..

Oops sorry a cliffhanger

But don't worry from now on I will try to post my stories often

I know it's been two long but my working schedule is getting too hard on me and I'm not even getting time for myself as well..

I hope you all understand me and yeah do votes and show support on my books as much as you can

Please share my books as much as you can so that I can get support

So meet you all later and don't forget to do votes and comments

Love you all
Take care

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