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"You are nothing but disgrace of your family, just get out from here."

"Nobody wants you"

"Why don't you just die."

"What can she do, nothing just can only die and bring her parents shame"

"She can't speak..."

"She is mute..hahah"




I woke up with jolt and tears were flowing from my tears, these were always the nightmare of me.

Because of my muteness, everyone bully me, everyone said different name of me.

I don't even know why they do so, if a person can't speak then doesn't mean he/she isn't capable of doing any work.

Why they always look forward in their weakness.

Why God made me like this...

He just gave me everything but didn't give me voice.

Even if he gave me, he even snatched it from me.

My parents...

My father who never speaks with me but when he started, he stop talking with me in which I was not at fault at all.

I was the one who suffer in that hell and instead of trusting me, my own father trusted another one who was the main reason of my miseries.

Who was the one who always body shame me and even taunt me about my muteness, not only this he even make fun of me infront of his friends.

Why don't everyone see the pain behind the smile, why just they a scene to create.?

Why just they want to mock the other person weakness if he or she wants to make their weakness their capability, why can't they let them live?




Silence is all I get, I don't know what's my future, what's my life.

Everything fall apart, how would I live?
Where would I go?

I don't know anything.

I sighed and tried to get up but I could feel weakness.

Why I'm becoming this much weak?

What is happening to me?

I was not like that...

I was kind of know how to mask my emotion.

I was always grown up in hate around me of public but my family loved me.

Now they aren't here, they left me.

I sighed and tears were threaten to fall down but I upward my face so that my tears can go back.

I don't want to cry.

I will not cry.

This mentality of people broke me too much.

I sighed feeling too much suffocation.

My chest is paining too much.

I'm all alone, there is no one whom I can rely now.

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