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The next day

Aarush planned to go to Reyansh company and he thought that everything will go well and Reyansh will be impressed with him. 

But he doesn't know that he is going for his own death because going to lion's den who is already waiting for the pray is inviting death for himself.

He knows that he should be waiting for the meeting but he can't because he know everything is spilling out from the hands.

But there is also one option for him to sahe his career that is to do collaboration with Kriti's father company because he had a deal with him.

But knowing he can get that company anytime he wants because his father believes him rather than his daughter.

Foolish man

He shook his head and head to the company where the scene was totally opposite as he thought

The bodyguards which are assisting the outside of the company didn't allow him to go inside without the id and also without the proper appointment.

Aarush was getting hyper but nothing works because the hulk which are standing infront of him aren't budging which is increasing his anger.

But can he do anything?

No. A big fat no.

But still he tried to manage one last time.

"Ok if you aren't allowing me then it's fine but can you call your boss and inform him about my arrival, I'm sure he will allow you." The guards looked at him and then each other and ignored him.

Because calling the boss who is in the middle of the meeting is calling death for himself.

"Are you even listening me?" He raises his voice.

"Sir we don't want to listen any rubbish that you are splitting here because we can't allow you inside without the id or proper valid appointment card. So it's better to go back and don't waste your and ours time."

Have no choice left Aarush grumpily went back with his head lower but making plans again to come back and this time with an appointment card but how? Well he also doesn't know.

Here all everything went noticed by Rahul, Aarav and Reyansh.

Yes, Aarav is in Reyansh company because after being ignored royally by his mother and brother, he wanted to do something that will attract his mother attention towards himself and then he give the interview in many companies and this company selected him.

Aarav got all the love of brother from here because when he first joined here, he was depressed here and always do work and sometimes overwork.

One day Reyansh and Rahul both were going late from the company due to some work and issue and then they saw Aarav still working, well half-working and half-sleeping.

He was too tired to do work but he doesn't want to go house at any cost and till now he doesn't even receive a call from his mother or brother which increase his anger more.

Then Reyansh and Rahul came towards and Reyansh being a cold person asked him to get out because it was too late and it is not good for him to take this stress at this younger age as Aarav was also younger from Rahul.

But when he told them that he doesn't want to go to house and then told them a reason too.

Reyansh asked him to come to his house and lived with them.

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