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A/N: The prologue is not necessary to read if you wish to skip it, it's simply the introduction of the main character and her making her way to the academy. If you are sensitive to assault or domestic abuse, skip this chapter.

AMBER HARGREEVES. present day.

"he can't take care of you like this, now you're lost. lost in the heat of it all."

THERE IS A HEAVY WEIGHT resting on my shoulders, I suppose it must be stress. Every second that passes by is another second I watch the door, wishing to be sat on my sofa, relaxing with a glass of wine, maybe two. My fingers idly trace my scarred forearms and drag down my veins, making their way down to my bruised hands.

My wedding ring gleams in the dim light of the apartment's hallway. It looks expensive and yet simple at the same time.

I tug on the ring, spinning it around my finger as my foot begins to tap nervously, completely missing the beat to the music playing from my home speaker which was currently on an '80s Greatest Hits' station.

The music is constant, if it isn't on the radio, it's in my headphones, if I don't have a device, I'm humming to myself. Anything to drown it out, anything to get rid of the constant hum.

I wonder what's taking him so long, I make my way into the kitchen, pulling out a wine glass from one of the cabinets without even realising I'm doing so. I open the liquor cabinet with one swift motion, no need for a key since it's never locked, and pour some red wine into my glass before shutting the cabinet door with my hip.

I prop myself up on the kitchen counter, sitting comfortably with my shoulders down, back slouched, and begin to sip my wine, both hands on the glass and a deep sigh escaping my lips. Just one glass won't hurt, not like he's here yet.

When I drink, it becomes harder to understand things, and I should hate it, but I really don't. I can't think about the nightmares, the sounds, the academy, all of it is gone when I'm drunk.

I won't be drunk tonight, though, not on my Wedding anniversary. Two sweet years of marriage.

I don't let myself think of my marriage, instead I focus on the music playing, and I let myself get lost in it, one hand on the counter to steady myself and the other holding my half-empty glass of wine.

I've never heard the song before, but it doesn't matter, I'm sure I'll be tired of it with the way I've listened to every good song on repeat, I get tired of them all eventually.

The sound of a lock, then the door opening. "Shit." I whisper under my breath, leaning my head back and chugging down the rest of the wine before jumping off the counter. For a second or two, my stomach feels warm and my head feels fuzzy, but not enough to stop my rational thoughts. My wine glass goes straight into the sink and I walk out to greet my husband.

He looks as wonderful as he did the day he made me marry him. He's wearing his work uniform, a business-casual style suit and a briefcase which he places down by the door frame before standing upright to take in my appearance.

Tonight I'm wearing a black dress with a low cut V-neck and a tight scrunch at the waist, and I feel silly, like a child in my mother's clothes.

"You look wonderful, sweetheart." Jeremy says, as if finally deciding how he felt.

A small smile takes over my face as he brings me into a hug, his large arms wrapping around my smaller frame. I rest my head on his shoulder, careful not to smudge my perfectly done makeup on his dress shirt, and take in a deep breath.

𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐒, diego hargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now