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"i don't know where i belong, i don't know where i went wrong, but i can write a song. i belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweetheart."

DIEGO'S BACK IS TURNED TO ME and I watch him walk away in the rain until I can't see anything but the dark of the night accompanied with the raindrops which pelt down onto the ground and I.

My back slides against the wall as a tear falls down my face, and I curl up on the dirty alleyway floor, pressing my back against the wall.

It takes a few seconds before sobs rack my body, and I wrap my arms around my legs, head buried in my knees as my tears flow down my face and legs.

I know I've made the wrong choice. I know I have, but what can I do? It's too late now.

I let out a sob, my lips shaking with every cry I release, the walls crashing around me in the alley, a few bricks cracking down in the middle due to the force of my audio.

I stand up, my legs nearly buckling beneath me as I grip the wall for support, the bricks crumbling under the pressure.

"It's too late." I whisper, staring out at the end of the alleyway.

We stopped around ten minutes from the bowling alley, and Diego left around five minutes ago. If I walk at a regular speed, I'll reach the alley just when Diego has been there for five minutes, then there's no guaruntee that he will even talk to me in front of everybody.

I swallowed my pride and nod my head, encouraging myself. "You've got this." I whisper.

With that, I push myself out of my self-pity and run through the backstreets, in the direction I saw Diego walk off to, towards the bowling alley.

I run for what feels like hours, rushing to reach him just before he reaches the alley.

The rain clings to my body and causes me to cough with my exhaustion and bad stamina, the cold taking its place in my body as I run through the storm.

I have to squint to see where I'm going and I have to focus to not trip or fall through the countless puddles that have formed on the street floors.

Just as I'm a few minutes away from the bowling alley, I can see him.

Diego has his back turned to me, and he's soaked by the rain which pours down on the two of us, walking in the opposite direction of me.

I speed up, yelling now, "Diego!" I yell out to him, but get no response over the rain.

Of course I can hear any movement he makes from back here, but he can't hear anything I'm saying unless I sonic scream, which is probably a bad idea.

"Diego!" I yell out when I'm a little closer, and he slowly comes to a stop, turning around to face me.

His face contorts into one of confusion as I run towards him, staring at me as I make my way over.

He doesn't have a chance to respond to me yelling his name as I'm sprinting towards him and when I'm close enough, I throw myself into his body.

My arms wrap around his neck, and my legs wrap around his hips as he grabs me with both arms, the two of us stumbling back a few steps as Diego embraces me, holding me up.

I bury my head into his shoulder, letting the tears flow out of my eyes like the rain.

Diego says nothing, instead he just holds me close and tightens his grip when I try to wriggle myself free.

𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐒, diego hargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now