Chapter 21

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"June! You're back!"

You accepted Mabel's overly-enthusiastic hug with a grin. "Hey, Mabel! You seem happy to see me."

"Of course I am! It feels like I know you so much, but I've never met you before."

You shrugged. "I get the feeling too. Weird, right?"


Bill pushed Mabel out of the way. "Mabel, don't weird her out."

You laughed. "Don't worry about her, she's fine. Anyway, what do we have planned for today?"

"Nothing, really. Just trying to figure out who you are."

You widened your eyes. "W-what?"

Bill took your hand, leading you outside the Mystery Shack. "You heard me. I know there's something you're not telling me. So who are you?"

"June, like I told you."

"I can't read your thoughts. You somehow know Zuku, like you're close friends. I can sense some sort of magic from you. So, tell me- who are you?"

"I don't know-"

"She does know." You both turned toward the woods, watching as Zuku made his way toward you. "Enough of the games. Tell him now."

You glared at him. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm waiting to see the reaction when you tell him. And when you do, I'll tell you everything you need to know about me."

"What are you-"

"I'm tired of you lying about your memories. You remember everything."

"I don't know what you're-"

Suddenly, it all came flooding back. Every memory you had from each past life- including the original. You looked back, flipping through each memory from your original life.

Your mother, holding you for the first time.

Your first steps.

Your first words.

Your first kiss.

Your first memory with Zuku. You focused on that one more, looking for a reason for his actions.

Your mother stood in front of you, gesturing to a younger Zuku. "Celestia, I'd like you to meet Zuku."

He smiled, giving a small bow. "Nice to meet you, Celestia."

"Mother, what are you doing?" You asked. "You never let me meet anyone else before."

"Tia, your father and I had a deal with Zuku's parents. Our first-born is to marry their first-born. You are to marry Zuku."

"W-what? Mother, I can't-"

"Tia, I promise you two will have a lovely life together. You cannot refuse the proposal."

"No. You can't make me. I won't do this!"

The memory ended, jumping to the next. You were on Earth, crying on a tree stump in the middle of the woods.

"Why're you crying all the way down here?"

You jumped, spinning around to look at a younger Bill. You wiped your face. "Who are you?"

"William, but people just call me Bill. And you are?"


"Wow, that's a fitting name. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

You smiled, laughing weakly. "Thanks for the compliment, but I'm not really in the mood."

"What's wrong, Celestia?"

You sniffed. "My mom put me in an arranged marriage. Without telling me."

"Oh, man, that sucks. My dad just did the same for me."

You looked up at him. "Really?"

"Yeah. I guess it's common for gods." He paused. "You... are a god, right? I don't need to kill you now?"

You giggled. "Yeah, I'm a god."

"Good. But, yeah, arranged marriages suck. I wish we could just be with our soulmates, but no, forced marriages all the way."


"You... don't know about that, do you?"

"I guess not."

"Gods and goddesses can know who their soulmate is just by looking at them."

Your eyes brightened. "Really? I wonder who my soulmate is, then."

Bill smiled, looking you in the eyes. "I bet they're wonderful."

There was a beat of silence, until Bill's eyes flashed. His smile fell as he inched closer to you. "Tia..."

"Yes, Bill..?"

"What if... we ran off together? No more arranged marriages, just... just the two of us. Would you like that?"

You smiled, taking his hand. "I'd love that, Bill."

You focused on the present, realizing Bill was trying to get your attention. "June! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, William."

He took a step back, staring at you. " do you know my real name?"

"So you lied." Zuku said, glaring. "You remembered this whole time. Why were you just playing the part?"

"What are you talking about?" Bill yelled. "Can someone fill me in here?"

"You're not knowing anything until I get an answer."

"If I know what's going on, then I can give you an answer."

"I'd rather hear it from her mouth."

"Or I can read her mind."

"Or you can shut up for once in your life."

"I've run out of patience with you, Zuku, so why don't you-"

"Shut up!"

Both of them immediately went quiet, staring at you. "I'm sick and tired of the fighting between you two." You turned to Zuku. "I'm sorry I left you so long ago, but I'm with Bill now. We're soulmates. Get over it." You turned back to Bill. "It was staring you right in the face, but you didn't see it. I'm Celestia. I remember everything, from every past life. The curse is gone."

You backed up. "I need space. Just... leave me alone. Both of you."

Bill's eyes filled with tears. "Tia-"

"I mean it. Don't try summoning me, or teleporting to me, or entering my Mindscape. I'll come to you when I want to talk." You changed into your goddess form. "Now make up and leave me alone."

You teleported away without another word.

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