Chapter 12

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Bill had given you a full tour of his (huge) house. Currently, the two of you were sitting in his living room, in front of a brick fireplace. You had a blanket around your shoulders, and were leaning against Bill's chest. He was twirling a strand of your hair with a finger, staring at you dreamily. You still haven't changed to your human form, though you weren't worried- Bill said it would come back naturally.

The two of you had sat in silence for a while before you moved, looking up at Bill. "What does being a demon mean?"

"Well, long story short, you make deals with people. I'd know more about what you could do if I actually knew what kind of demon you were, but-"

He stopped short as a large, heavy book appeared and fell onto the floor in front of you. He grabbed it, and it immediately opened to the middle of the book. He read it, glancing up at you every few seconds, as if double-checking.

"What does it say?" You asked him.

Bill looked at the book one last time, thinking carefully. "It tells me why you stood out to me, out of everyone I ever met."

You moved closer, trying to read the pages. "Can I read?"

Bill shook his head, chuckling quietly. "You can try, but you haven't learned any Latin, so it might not work out well."

You huffed, pouting. "Can you at least tell me what it says?"

Bill laughed. "You're cute when you're pouting." You blushed, hiding your face with the blanket still on your shoulders. "Yes, I can tell you."

You lowered your blanket and watched as Bill paused, collecting his thoughts, before speaking up. "It says the goddess of night, Nyx, and the god of music, Apollo, once had a child. The child is not named in any ancient mythology, because she disappeared as a teenager. The child was a girl, who they named Celestia. She was rumored to be the goddess of night and music, something both of her parents had control over. With a singing voice almost as powerful as a siren's, and dawning an outfit as dark as twilight, she would only appear at night with her mother, and this was when she would play, explore, and test her powers of reincarnation, zombification, and mind control via her voice. Knowing the powers the child will possess one day, Zuku, the god of curses, placed one on the child. He... oh..."

You saw Bill's face fall and became concerned. You lightly grabbed his arm, rubbing it comfortingly with your thumb. "Hey, it's okay. Go on. Please."

Bill nodded, closing his eyes briefly before continuing. "He placed a curse on Celestia, to make sure her powers would never fully develop. When Celestia meets her declared soulmate and shares her first kiss with them, Celestia disappears, jumping to another timeline with no memory or recollection of any of her past lives."

"Oh..." Your voice trailed off.

"Currently," he continued. "Celestia is in the form of a human named (Y/n) (L/n), daughter of Alice and Daniel (L/n). Her soulmate is-"

Before he could finish the passage, the pages moved to the end of the book. "What does that one say?" You almost whispered.

Bill's eyes were wide. "Um... it's about me."

You gasped, grinning. "Read it! I wanna know about you?"

Bill laughed. "Okay, okay, calm down!" He cleared his throat. "There are many names for the demon of dreams, the original being Pharos. Currently taking the name Bill Cipher, he enters sleeping people's dreams, giving them nightmares to try to enter their Mindscape and control their psyche. He's been around since the beginning of time, along with the original Greek gods and goddesses. It's hard to believe a demon like himself could have a soulmate, but he does- and she is a beauty. His soulmate is Celestia, daughter of Nyx and Apollo and goddess of both night and music. He will follow Celestia to the end of the universe, chasing after their love, even if she can't seem to remember him. It's been rumored that when Celestia is near, Pharos sets aside his demonic powers to keep her happy, as she can't stand the torture of human beings, whom she has come to love. He never knows who she is after every reincarnation, or even when she will appear to him, but they always find each other in the end."

You put your hands over Bill's, closing the book. He looked up at you, watching silent tears fall down your cheeks as you looked into his eyes. "You're really my soulmate?"

Bill put the book aside and cupped your face in his hands, smiling. "Yeah. I am."

You tackled Bill into a hug, forcing him to fall backwards on to the floor.

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