Chapter 24

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"She's dead?"

Nyx gave Heather a sad look. "Unfortunately, yes. I'm sorry to be the one to break the news to you."

"How do you know?"

"I live in the Underworld. I saw her soul. Your daughter is gone, and I'm so very sorry."

Heather crumbled, burying her face in her hands. "I just... I can't believe it. All of this is just happening so fast..."

You put a hand on her shoulder. "We know it's hard to believe. But we're here to help you through it."

She looked up at you, tears falling down her face. "Why? You're not even my daughter."

"No, but you were my mother, even if it wasn't by blood or marriage. You were there for me, while I was adjusting to my new life. I'm going to be here for you, now, while you adjust to yours."

Heather began crying again, although for a different reason. She turned to Nyx. "You truly have a wonderful daughter."

Nyx stared at you in awe. "I do."

Stanford adjusted in his seat. "Now, if you have any questions about all of this, Nyx and I would be happy to answer them-"

"Excuse me." The four of us turned to the doorway, where Bill stood. "Can I steal Celestia away from you for a moment?"

You and Nyx locked eyes. You shook your head, while she nodded. You sighed. "I'll be back."

You followed Bill to the kitchen, where Zuku was sitting at the table. You crossed your arms, leaning against the wall as Bill also took a seat. "Do you mind telling me what was so important that you had to drag me away from my mother for? I thought I told you two I didn't want to talk."

"We wanted to apologize." Zuku said first. "We realized that our... argument we've been having for the past two thousand years was petty, and you didn't deserve to go through such torment."

"And I wanted to apologize to you." Bill added. "Lately, I've been acting like my old self. I promised you that I would never do that, and I broke that promise. I feel terrible about it."

"And I also wanted to say... the curse is lifted. You will no longer start a new life when the two of you kiss. If I am to live alone for eternity, I don't want to force others to be miserable-"

"Okay, first of all, you will not be alone forever." You uncrossed your arms, staring Zuku down. "All Gods find their soulmates. Yours will come eventually." You glanced between the two men. "And while I do appreciate the apologies, I don't believe this conversation was worth pulling me away from a very important discussion for-"

"Celestia Nightingale, you will stay right here and not leave."

You turned your attention to the doorway, where your mother stood, her expression unreadable. "You may join back in our discussion when yours is complete. I believe these two men have more to say to you."

You looked back at the two. "Well, get on with it. We don't have all day."

Zuku stood. "I wanted to add that I will no longer be staying in Gravity Falls. Instead, I will be moving to New York and going into hiding there. However, I will always be here, if you ever need me."

Despite your frustration, Zuku's words touched you. "Thank you, Zuku. That means a lot to me, and I appreciate it."

He smiled. "Don't be a stranger, now." A portal opened behind him. He gave a small salute, then stepped backwards into it before it closed.

You turned to Bill. "And you?"

He cleared his throat, standing up and making his way towards you. "It's about time I do this. I believe I'm two thousand years late for this, but I couldn't ask due to a curse between us." He took your hands, then lowered himself down to one knee. "Celestia. My Tia. Would you make me the happiest demon-God hybrid alive and become my bride?"

You heard your mother's voice in the back of your head- say yes say yes say yes for the love of God say yes.


Bill stared, crushed. "W-what?"

"No. I won't marry you."

He sat frozen for a long moment before standing up. "C-can I ask why before I break down in front of your mother?"

You felt a hand on your shoulder and a stern gaze burning into your head. "I'd like to know this reason, as well." Your mother demanded.

You pulled your hands away. "For one, I still haven't quite forgiven you for your actions from before. For two, I just recently remembered where I came from, and what I can do. I want to remember who I am, what my personality is and all of my flaws, and the extent of my magic and powers. And for three, I don't know who you are."

Bill stepped back, hurt in his eyes. "What do you mean? I'm Bill. William. Pharos. You... you know me."

"I know who you are when I'm around, for however short that amount of time is. I want to know who you are when I'm not. What you do in your spare time, or when you were trying to find me, or when you make deals with the humans. Do you adventure into other dimensions? Do you travel in the Mindscape, or stay in the human world? How do you live your infinite life?"

Your mother nodded, letting her hand fall. "She does have a point, Bill."

He let his head fall. "I see that."

"Hm. We must fix this..." Her expression brightened. "Let's make a deal. All three of us."

Bill's expression brightened at this. "What kind of deal?"

"One all three of us will have a part in." She stated. "My part is this- Celestia will spend six months with you, living with you in the Mindscape. If she still does not feel like she knows the real you, she will not marry, but may stay and be your partner for eternity, if she wants to continue."

"Hm. Fair." Bill turned to you. "I will teach you everything there is to know about controlling your powers, as long as you give me a chance in showing my true self to you."

Your mother turned to you. "Tia? Anything you wish to add?"

You thought for a moment. "Two things. One, I have my own bedroom in your home, which I can decorate however I like and stay in until I feel comfortable enough to stay with you, in your own room. Two, that I meet your family, since you've already met mine."

"I..." Bill stated, then stopped, sticking his hands out, which were encased in blue flame. "Do we have a deal? Nyx?"

Your mother took Bill's hand, leaving her other out to you, which was also encased in flame. "Tia? The decision is yours."

Without any more hesitation, you took both of their hands. "We have a deal."

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